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Thread Title: Ban [TN] Cerberus - Printable Version

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Thread Title: Ban [TN] Cerberus - opydoopy - 03-20-2014

Name of player: Andy Carter

SteamID: [TN] Cerberus

Time in GMT: 2:00-2:30

Server: v33x

Summary: It started when I joined the server and became president, I came down the elevator prop killed, confronted him, prop killed. Handcuffed him and tried to get him arrested, because at that point I couldn't follow NLR, sergeant said he didn't care, shot him a few times, he became president and demoted me, then continued to prop kill. Then all of the cops on the server proceeded to allow his violation of server rules, He warranted an arrest after I had died. I'm getting sick of the lack moderation at night, you need an american mod so this stuff stops happening...

Evidence: I got none to be honest...

RE: Thread Title: Ban [TN] Cerberus - Venom - 03-20-2014

You have 24 hours to provide any evidence you may have.

RE: Thread Title: Ban [TN] Cerberus - Narc - 03-20-2014
