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Ban request on FatalityQc - Printable Version

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Ban request on FatalityQc - DougisBest - 03-10-2014

Name of player: FatalityQc

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60208907

Time in GMT: 5:18 GMT

Server: v33x

Summary: Fatality was prop pushing his car. It seemed as if he was trying to get it to the garage as if we ran out of petrol. In the process of doing this , He also decided to fling it up and let it flip.

Evidence: [Image: D6yEnDK.jpg] [Image: mOGxoGU.jpg] [Image: um4iZ30.jpg] [Image: 7BOTuyQ.jpg]

RE: Ban request on FatalityQc - Feffe - 03-10-2014
