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Ban Request: Jonesy - Printable Version

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Ban Request: Jonesy - Old Man Jokhah - 02-27-2014

Name of player: [FL:RP] Jonesy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10871907

Time in GMT: 1310 ish

Server: v2d

Summary: I was arrested for insulting an officer, which at the time wasn't a law. The warrant was issued by Jonesy who was roleplaying an uneducated chav president (fail rp but somehow it's allowed on FL now) who issued the warrant. Insulting an officer is not covered anywhere in the permalaws and has to be posted in the laws to be enforced. No attempt to unarrest me for being arrested for something that wasn't against the law was mad, and instead was met with more smart remarks in ooc.

Rule breaks: Random Arrest, Fail RP

[Image: 40CEA8B6F0BB824A174173F625CEF6DE6B9BD818]

[Image: 37C86E7801AA7DACE491B3719FA5A7A7341DC9A7]

[Image: 0742FC83B31B616DC2B82F3B4C9B985B7D7A0924]

RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Jan - 02-27-2014

I am on the server at the moment and am also involved in this entire "dictator RP', I find it all awfull.

All shops in the city are closed down due to the president (Jonesy) telling his man to, making it impossible for us to roleplay on a passive way and it basicly is promoting aggresive roleplay too.

RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Old Man Jokhah - 02-27-2014

I pointed that out to him, he said that all I did was complain and he was tired of my ****. This is prime example of the massive fail I've been seeing on the servers as of late. I personally feel that the players in the community have gotten away with too much and the overall quality of roleplay has dropped significantly since my first joining this server group.

RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Jonesy - 02-27-2014

My laws as dictator are set to:

/broadcast No shops unless my name is used. No branded items. No cars. No Corleones. All crimes face maximum punishment.
/broadcast Do not disrespect my officials. 5mph speed limit outside the city. You must only take drugs in 5x doses
/broadcast Rebels are now banned due to a recent raid attempt.

None of these are against the rules. You arrest was for insulting my officers. There are currently 3 staff members on the server. ([FL] Shadow, [FL] Temar and [FL:M] myfloodify)

Insulting my officers is IC'ly not tolerated, whether stated in the laws or not. I don't personally know how you insulted my officer therefore I took his word for it.

You've been doing nothing but complaining about me and my Roleplay on the server over the past 4 hours and you're typically trying to catch me out breaking a rule etc. No rules have been broken on my part otherwise the staff members on the server would have punished me by now.

RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Old Man Jokhah - 02-27-2014

You seem to take it personal about me calling out infringements on the rules. I attempted to guide you a few times, to which you told me stuff like well it's fine and if you don't like it make a ban request. I see multiple rule breaks on the server a lot. I'm not an administrator anymore. Most the time I either guide people or let it go, only in rare cases do I push it to this point. Should have at least not be rude to be right off the bat.

As for admins being on the server, weather or not they did something doesn't make it okay, nor change my right to post this ban request. At the time of the warrant and arrest, I had not broken any posted rules. I insulted the officer (shadow was the first one initally) because he was trying to tell me to move along on public property, to which he let it go because he knew I wouldn't move and a bigger issue came up. A less experienced officer showed up, tazed, cuffed, and requested a warrant. He was killed by someone else after he refused to remove the cuffs. Another officer came up, Nacreas who performed the actual arrest. However you signed the warrant. As the president you are responsible to sign warrants for legitimate reasons for permalaws and laws that you create. When I informed you that it was an RDA and that OOC is the only channel an arrested person could you, you just wanted to be a wise guy as opposed to fixing the issue. That is why this has been brought up. Not only did you sign off on a random arrest, when it was pointed out to you, you gave a cocky attitude instead of fixing the issue.

You were the one who started with attitudes tonight, you told me to make a BR at one point, you can use the admin/moderator shield if you want even though none of them directly commented on any of the situations right away, which means nothing in this request was addressed by any staff member in anyway. I even went as far as to inform a staff member that I made this ban request and following your logic, he had no problems with it.

RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Jonesy - 02-27-2014

You intended in no way whatsoever to guide me. In-fact you started off calling me out of my lack of spelling as president calling me a 'FailRP'er as such. I told you there was no need for the arguing etc. In no way whatsoever did I become aggressive towards you. I told you I was sick of your s**t because you kept whining in OOC about my roleplay and were consistent to continue complaining.

I have nothing against you, personally, as I said in OOC chat as of which you proceeded to call me a failRP'er and a minge etc.

As for you being an ex-admin should not exclude you from the server rules. I did not tell you to post a ban request, I told you that if you feel as if my laws were not understandable as you claimed, you could PM me and you said "If I really wanted to be a jerk I could gather screenshots and post a ban request" as to which I replied "Feel free"

I am also not pleased with the attitude you gave me in OOC over the 5 hour period I was a president for. For an ex-administrator I expect at least a little respect from you towards other players.

RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Old Man Jokhah - 02-28-2014

Really? Now sir, that isn't true. Thankfully I screenshotted when I said I would.

Here are the laws.
[Image: 975F83019C2F7A0B47E3F26758E6ED563D16574E]

Here is someone complaining
[Image: 06DF95F017D983270AF174BD1E0D719A1003C34E]

Here is you justifying and him still complaining.
[Image: 2A2EB23E964C059B38016FA9E080814A27A63C8F]

Here is me attempting to guide you the first time.
[Image: 8991FCA914E25A76722AA7E4B6BCBAEC2A88E4A8]

Here is you basically telling me to shut and and deal with it.
[Image: AA2EA42E4CE4C5AE2A86617F4E0E0B307683B2BA]

Here is me pointing out that posting barely readable laws is pretty much fail rp and I COULD post a BR and you saying well admins don't care go ahead.
[Image: 29C57CBABFF5BC1EFDF59A4F44B33C85D2D1E4B8]

More of the gibberish laws and raising taxes "to fund your rehab" which is basically raising taxes for no reason.
[Image: 72C4332BD9FB02B4A3AE88C3C5C45309DB3F90DE]

And a cleaner shot of the laws and other broadcasts.
[Image: B766EF7CB2527AF9888BF8E34586445AD746081D]

Now after all that you even contacted me via pm and spoke with me, to which I attempted to guide you again. In that conversation you asked me what I would do if I were still an admin, to which I stated I would have spoken with you and suggested that you had a cleaner side set of laws in the form of () to go along with your laws. You expressed that people could just pm you, I attempted to reason with you and explained that people shouldn't have to /pm you and that most newer players don't even know how to use the pm feature. The laws should be clearly understood. To which you told me well that's what YOU would do. At that point I realized that there was no ability to reason with you nor any form of guidance other then that of the FL team courthouse was going to change your mind. Now that I've had to post all that, I'll go ahead and add fail rp to the list of reasons.

Also, seeing as I feel you need it, here's a link to the How to President guide written by Holdem.

It recommends not typing like a 10 year old.


RE: Ban Request: Jonesy - Fultz - 02-28-2014


User has been banned for two days for FailRP as president.
Presidents are educated. This is just gibberish.
