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Multi-Ban request - Printable Version

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Multi-Ban request - Pac - 02-25-2014

Name of player(s): SnakeHD|Adurm.|[BCF] Fluttershy|baron von badger

SteamID(s): STEAM_0:0:49870853|STEAM_0:0:15179615|STEAM_0:0:37476031|STEAM_0:1:10788791

Time in GMT: 21:20

Server: v33x

Summary: Well, they had been doing it for a while, killed me and a few others a couple of times. Then i managed to catch em' propwhoring once again.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnWDSUqceIs&feature=youtu.be

Hopefully you will see it the same as i did.



(P.S. - Another guy[The paramedic] took screenshots of these guys too, hopefully he see's this thread and posts his evidence too.)

RE: Multi-Ban request - Verzyn - 02-25-2014
