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BR on Red Lime and Lewis Cameron - Printable Version

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BR on Red Lime and Lewis Cameron - Iraqi Eagle - 12-27-2013

Name of player: Red Lime, Lewis Cameron

SteamID: Red Lime: STEAM_0:1:44969279
Lewis Cameron: STEAM_0:1:40919771

Time in GMT: (Amsterdam +1 GMT), around 2 AM. I don't remember when it exactly occured.

Server: V2D

Summary: I walked into the Nexus lobby, because I wanted to have an appointment with the president. They opened the door for me, but suddenly two citizens ran in. One had a shotgun and the other a pistol. They were trying to raid the president. I asked them why are you raiding the president. They said: Revolution.
First of all, they don't have a valid reason to raid the president. Second of all, they are citizens. Citizens can't raid.

Evidence: [Image: D93F9274088B635469947F37C0FD9DEAAAFC7035]
[Image: ?id=208571977]

Thanks in Advance,


RE: BR on Red Lime and Lewis Cameron - aviator - 12-28-2013

Ban Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed insufficient, accused players Red Lime (STEAM_0:1:44969279) and Lewis Cameron (STEAM_0:1:40919771) was not found violating server rules.
Please note, the luck of sufficient evidence to provide context has resulted in the denial of this ban request.

[FL] Aviator
Administrative Team