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Ban Request Ectho [CDM and Revenge Kill] - Printable Version

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Ban Request Ectho [CDM and Revenge Kill] - Spectrabox - 12-23-2013

Name of player: Ectho

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40668866

Time in GMT: First CDM: Approx 4 am, Revenge CDM: Approx 4:30 am

Server: V2D

Summary: The first time I encountered this player I came around the curve at the city exit tunnel and saw him coming extremely fast down the middle of the road. Ad he passes me he hits the side of my car and I lay on the horn. He then stops his car and turns around and starts trying to push my car off the road with his. I apply the breaks then get out and point my pistol at his window. He then starts trying to run me over. He hit me once but it only did a few damage and he went into the tunnel. So I hop in my car trying to get away and not die and then he comes up behind me at full speed, he had a sports car not sure which one, and rear ends me causing both of our cars to explode. Because the guy had so many hours and even an RP point I decided I wouldn't report him because maybe he was just having a bad day or something. But then I am walking to the city from my house in the office buildings and I see him again driving the same car. This is a LONG straight way and he was going perfectly straight, however he decides to go about 2 car lengths (horizontal) off the road and hit me head on and kill me. he then said over the mic "Woops didn't see you there" and drove off without even calling medic or checking if I was ok.

Evidence: I guess the logs are all that I have, I mean you really don't think to take a screenshot when a car is flying at you at full speed.

RE: Ban Request Ectho [CDM and Revenge Kill] - Enzyme - 12-24-2013


Insufficient evidence.