Fearless Forums
Ban Request - Blackie Chan - Printable Version

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Ban Request - Blackie Chan - RRK - 12-21-2013

Name of player: Blackie Chan

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67873229

Time in GMT: 11:06AM German Time

Server: V33X

Summary: Attempted random arrest, RDM

Evidence: (Sorry if the screenshots are a bit unclear, I don't have any record of this sadly)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=206090371 (You can see, there's no story behind the attempted arrest and kill)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=206090440 (He switched to rebel after this)

The other people arguing in the OOC chat have nothing to do with this.

RE: Ban Request - Blackie Chan - Enzyme - 12-21-2013

Banrequest approved.

The accused player was found guilty of shooting an unarmed and cuffed person as a police officer. FailRP.

A two day ban has been given.