Fearless Forums
BR - Printable Version

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BR - Centurion - 11-23-2013

Name of player: Drop

SteamID: Mutiple steam ID's because of multiple people called 'Drop' . Steam ID's are: STEAM_0:1:16535150 or STEAM_0:1:49564245

Time in GMT: Around 11:30pm in English Time

Server: v33x

Summary: He spawned big doors like this multiple times on the server and was a general minge to the server. He is not here to roleplay, just to 'trol'.



RE: BR - Enzyme - 11-23-2013


Accused player was found guilty of randomly spawning doors in the middle of the the road in order to disrupt RP.

A two day ban has been given.

Logs were checked to confirm steamID.