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Prop Climbing, FailRP, Public Building (Matthew815) - Printable Version

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Prop Climbing, FailRP, Public Building (Matthew815) - Sgtbender2000 - 10-22-2013

Name of player: Matthew815

SteamID STEAM_0:0:63206109

Time in GMT: 2:38pm

Server: V33X

Summary: I had gone into town to get gas at BP and look for Gun Dealer. When I parked my car at the BP a fireman was jumping on top of cars, and I had explained in Local OCC that it's prop climbing. He later than went into BP and used a seat to get on top of the roof. The SRU nearby did /radio to demote him, and he resigned. He later than came back (Fraps Begins Now), and starts building a structure with a chair on top in public, and after being told it was public building he went back on the roof.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHmTm-ys0qg&feature=youtu.be

(Slow internet speed, takes 30 minutes to upload 2 minutes. Apologize)

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:53549212&b=12]

RE: Prop Climbing, FailRP, Public Building (Matthew815) - xPrike - 10-24-2013

And I can get on the roof. Without breaking any rules. Are you serious. I think he should get banned. Nice BR

RE: Prop Climbing, FailRP, Public Building (Matthew815) - Spartanjunior - 10-30-2013
