Fearless Forums
Ban Request: GTRipz - Printable Version

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Ban Request: GTRipz - Kulthro - 09-02-2013

Name of player: GTRipz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57214549

Time in GMT: -6 8:00 PM

Server: v2d

Summary: People pointing guns at him to get out of the chair, and he never did.

Evidence: [Image: rp_evocity_v2d0019_zpsdd8a77fb.jpg] [Image: rp_evocity_v2d0020_zps5f32ce6e.jpg] [Image: rp_evocity_v2d0021_zps002a6667.jpg] [Image: rp_evocity_v2d0022_zpsf1e338f6.jpg] [Image: rp_evocity_v2d0023_zps74dec2f4.jpg]

RE: Ban Request: GTRipz - Termin - 09-14-2013
