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RDMing Excuses - Printable Version

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RDMing Excuses - Evocatus - 06-23-2011

So I was by the warehouses, all by myself and decide to go ahead and buy a door and start earning some money via Contraband. I hop back in my car and circle around the block when I notice there is someone else, "CherryBerry" he first proceeds to buy the gate to the warehouse and starts building some contraption outside, I minded my own business and kept circling around. When I come back he is with what I guess is his friend (whose name I did not catch) and I enter the warehouse complex when he and his friend surround me and he yells "LEAVE" and I swear the second he hit the enter key he put a round through my head and I died.

I explained in OOC that I did own a door there, and it was not his personal property, he followed up by giving me some fallacious argument as how since I did not own the Main Door (which he purchased after I bought my door) that I was not "allowed", and by extension it was my fault. So if this is correct, I can go ahead to lets say the houses near Slum Apartments, buy the Main Door there, and anybody that approaches is down to kill in my book.

I don't know where to put this thread as I highly doubt it's bannable, but morons like him really ruin what I was enjoying. /rant

EDIT: We were both "Unemployed" so there was no semblance of raiding or anything. Just common dbaggery.

RE: RDMing Excuses - dryblood321 - 06-23-2011

You do need to own the main door, but he should not have killed you straight away, if you feel like you want some form of justice then post on the ban Req, I advise buying the main doors in future.

RE: RDMing Excuses - Sniperwolf - 06-23-2011

Yeah - next time take screenshots Smile And post it in the ban request section.

It wouldn't be the first time CherryBerry did this - but without evidence there's nothing we can do I'm afraid.

RE: RDMing Excuses - Evocatus - 06-23-2011

I wouldn't feel it is ban-worthy just utterly childish behaviour.

Earlier that day when I was playing as the Mafia (remember I'm a noob) , I ventured too close to the main base of the Rebels. They were all outside talking and there were some arms dealers there selling to them etc. I came close enough to where it would be considered intrusive, They stared at me for a good second wondering what I was up to, until the leader steps forward and tells me to leave, and that I don't belong there. I was actually able to turn around and walk away as opposed to the milisecond the aforementioned d-bag gave me, where I couldn't even do a 180 degree turn before I was dead.

I hope people like that are a tiny minority. I don't have a problem if some guy that hops on and trolls the server with CDM, because chances are he will either be banned or eventually leave. But since this guy is part of the community it kind of makes me sick. Anyways I guess I'll have to play with FRAPS recording anytime I want to get on.

EDIT: Thanks for the confirmation Sniperwolf, I'm not on some crusade for vengeance, but at least some acknowledgement that what he is doing is really frowned upon.

RE: RDMing Excuses - Strom - 06-23-2011

FL is great with admins.
Can be horrible without, I remember playing when I wasn't admin and a LOT of people bully newbies.
Just remember we can never ban on word, always take evidence even if its just a screen of the console.

RE: RDMing Excuses - Sniperwolf - 06-23-2011

It is indeed frowned upon - cherry's had like 5 bans, and any more and they'll be long bans - especially since his previous bans were for things like "RDM, not saying raid before shooting, Failrp" so yeah Smile

P.S Storm your sig is strange...

RE: RDMing Excuses - Numb3r - 06-23-2011

His sig is sexy