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Prop Push, Prop Kill, Prop Smash, Prop Minge, FearRP!! - Printable Version

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Prop Push, Prop Kill, Prop Smash, Prop Minge, FearRP!! - Drawinqq - 07-24-2013

Name of player: xKeeGz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:34497943

Time in GMT: 15:30

Server: v2p

Summary: He is quite clearly not here to RP and in my video you see him braking alot of rules which are stated above.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBdtTvy8YqU

RE: Prop Push, Prop Kill, Prop Smash, Prop Minge, FearRP!! - Shadow - 07-24-2013

Ban extended to Permanent due to previous request.