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BR Minge.lua and Acuta Mania - Printable Version

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BR Minge.lua and Acuta Mania - Mafian94 - 07-20-2013

Name of player: minge.lua
Acute Mania

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68303045

Time in GMT: 15:20

Server: v2p

Summary: I saw two rebels with my Don, when i come close they kill him and minge.lua try to kill me too

Evidence:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-RqDlHjzo8

RE: BR Minge.lua and Acuta Mania - Shadow - 07-20-2013

From what the evidence shows, I can see RDM and FailRP from minge.lua.
I don't see Acute Mania break any rules, even tho he is probably his friend.

Ban issued - 3 Days (RDM, FailRP)