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Propclimbing on the bus stop - Printable Version

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Propclimbing on the bus stop - Freezak - 07-05-2013

Name of player: [FL:RP] Galiathus

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66597710

Time in GMT: gmt+2 athens greece, gmt+3 due to dst

Server: V2D

Summary: Basically there was a man on the bus stop, and i thought that Galiathus spawned these 2 chairs to help him to get out (not even needed btw). But instead he placed them both up nad made them invisible, then he climbed up on it. Both of them were his vehicles (upright corner). He ignored my several requests to delete them.


[Image: 2013_07_05_00001.jpg] [Image: 2013_07_05_00002.jpg] [Image: 2013_07_05_00003.jpg] [Image: 2013_07_05_00004.jpg]

[Image: 2013_07_05_00005.jpg] [Image: 2013_07_05_00006.jpg] [Image: 2013_07_05_00007.jpg] [Image: 2013_07_05_00008.jpg]

RE: Propclimbing on the bus stop - Grub - 07-06-2013

Approved [FL:RP] Galiathus