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Unban Mister Potato - Printable Version

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Unban Mister Potato - Mr.Potato - 07-02-2013

Your name: Mister Potato

Your ban ID: 34145

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Spamming props into a fire

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I recieved no warning, no conversation, I didn't know the reason until I checked the ban list; This was the situation; I went there to check what was goign on, see that fire called the fireman, no answer no response nothing was given and I was a bit bored, I had no intention of ruining nobody's RP, i was trying to keep mine indeed and I believe a 7 day ban for that is quite desmeasured without a warning or anything, I think I haven't been treated fairly, not for the ban but for not being warned or explained or something (flash ban).

Edit; I'm not trying to defend that spamming props is correct, but is it that bad? In that level of spamming small wooden props in a fire to make it look bigger? Does it seriously deserve a full week ban?

Edit2x; I'd like to add that spam consisted in 8 or 9 not big props, not more, it didn't lag the server and didn't anoy anyone as it ddin't involve anyone more than me and was in a map corner.

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:22104667&b=13]

RE: Unban Mister Potato - Narc - 07-02-2013

It lagged the server for a few seconds and I investigated it. I saw you spamming props into a fire, now why'd you do that?

RE: Unban Mister Potato - Mr.Potato - 07-02-2013

(07-02-2013, 02:23 PM)Narcotic Wrote: It lagged the server for a few seconds and I investigated it. I saw you spamming props into a fire, now why'd you do that?

First of all thanks for reading the post, I don't wan't to have my word against yours, objectively I got banned a few seconds later of spamming that I didn't realize I was lagging it as they were little props so I didn't get in the situation; the reason? I have none, as I have no excuse, I was bored waiting for the fireman to get to the scene, and I discovered that those props caught on fire.. so I was playing with that. I apologise if I caused any perturbation on the RP of anyone. If an unban doesn't look good to you , I would appreciate at least a time reduction of the ban. Thanks

RE: Unban Mister Potato - Mr.Potato - 07-04-2013

I'm feeling quite ignored..-

RE: Unban Mister Potato - DoomDude1 - 07-04-2013

Don't bump your own unban request. Don't reply to this message either.

RE: Unban Mister Potato - Old Man Jokhah - 07-08-2013

After talking with Narcotic about the incident, I find that what you did was wrong, caused lag to the server and was core minging. Denied.