Fearless Forums
PingPingPlayer - RDM on an unarmed civilian - Printable Version

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PingPingPlayer - RDM on an unarmed civilian - Toxic - 06-13-2013

Name of player: PingPingPlayer

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61629207

Time in GMT: 2110 GMT

Server: v2d

Summary: Ping was a police officer who had nothing better to do but to continuously shoot me in various limbs until I fell over dead. I was minding my own business when he came over with his weapon pointed at me. Beforehand he was shooting through various glass panes.


Logs can confirm the kill.

RE: PingPingPlayer - RDM on an unarmed civilian - Narc - 06-14-2013

Report has been reviewed and approved.

Reported user "PingPongPlayer" was found violating the rules regarding killing. The user has been suspended from the Fearless services for 2 days.

Thank you for your report.

[FL] Narcotic
Server Administrative Team