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Ban Request Kyushu (Weird u's in his name) - Printable Version

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Ban Request Kyushu (Weird u's in his name) - Kulthro - 06-06-2013

Name of player:His name is in the picture, I don't know how to make those u's in his name.

SteamID: Don't know, didn't pay attention.

Time in GMT: Approximately 6:10 Central Time (I live in Missouri.)

Server: City RP V_33x

Summary:Earlier today he was prop blocking and refusing to remove the props, so I had to just walk away and not protect the president as an SRU Sergeant. Then, I hear in chat that he's prop blocking once again in the Corleone District WITH the Corleone. Then he disconnects to avoid further punishment/embarassment.


For a further zoom in on his name: http://s1133.photobucket.com/user/TripleD922/media/Untitled_zps375b3583.png.html

RE: Ban Request Kyushu (Weird u's in his name) - Fultz - 06-08-2013


Evidence is not sufficient enough to give punishment.