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[BR] Doomfort and RDM - Printable Version

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[BR] Doomfort and RDM - Orel_Fichman - 06-05-2013

Name of player: shifu, (FL:RP)★zero★

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44053544 STEAM_0:1:47022284

Time in GMT: Around 13:00

Server: v33x

Summary: I was on a routine patrol when I passed over a big structure which looked like a castle. I went to see what's what exctly is going on.
As I arrived to the front door a rebel tried to get in it with his car, ramming me on the way, I told him to get out of the car, he got out and ran into the structure and shot at me. the door stopped fading right when he stopped shooting (Numpad much ?). I filmed the video to show you the doomfort itself, realizing that trying to make this guy RP is a waste of time, I got back into my patrol car and was about to drive.
He went into the balcony and started shooting at me (the balcony is shown in the video, I stopped recording when I completed the circle around the fort, therefore not catching the footage of him shooting me). After they killed me they yelled at my patrol partner to get out of the car, probably trying to hostage him.

Evidence: [Image: ILtdHuT.jpg]
Edit : Video is up.

RE: [BR] Doomfort and RDM - Fultz - 06-08-2013


Evidence is not deemed sufficient to hand out suspension.