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It was a bad mistake! - Printable Version

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It was a bad mistake! - Imperator - 05-31-2013

Your name: ([FL:RP] Hillerbear)

Your ban ID: (32604)

Banned by: (Narcotic)

Reason: (Random Raiding)
Involved: (Me and Narcotic)

Why we should unban you: (It was a mistake and everone can do mistakes. This doesent stands in the rules and I read them every week twice. And for Narcotic please do this. Give people a chance before the ban maybe they have time to explain themself!)

RE: It was a bad mistake! - zedzdead - 05-31-2013

You posted in the wrong sub-forum

try your luck here http://www.fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=15

RE: It was a bad mistake! - Narc - 05-31-2013

You explained yourself, raiding him and killing him for banning cars while he had a good reason to, not dictatorship like.

RE: It was a bad mistake! - Imperator - 05-31-2013

When did banned cars|Rebels|Corleones become a "non raideble reason?"

RE: It was a bad mistake! - Narc - 05-31-2013

1) - You were not a rebel.
2) - You were not a corleone.
3) - The cars were banned for a sufficient reason.

He wasn't just dictating, you didn't even warn him to stop or anything related that. You then proceed to grab the job yourself.

RE: It was a bad mistake! - Imperator - 05-31-2013

Fine I will just wait.

RE: It was a bad mistake! - Narc - 06-03-2013
