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[BR] Fading door with no keypad and DD - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: [BR] Fading door with no keypad and DD (/showthread.php?tid=32352)

[BR] Fading door with no keypad and DD - Orel_Fichman - 05-28-2013

Name: LjjGaming

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43026965

Time in GMT: around 10:00

Server: v33x

Summary: It's really simple, this guy built a fading door behind a world door + had no keypad. (I'm not even sure the fading door is a door, could be he just used the physgun to move it when he needed)

Evidence: [Image: 83V3uaw.jpg]

RE: [BR] Fading door with no keypad and DD - Grub - 05-28-2013

Approved LjjGaming