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Unban request - Printable Version

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Unban request - TheGlobalLegacy - 05-23-2013

Your name: TheGlobalLegacy

Your ban ID: 32105

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Assassin RP, breaking NLR, trying to RDM people, homophobia. And more...

Involved: I'm pretty sure just me, but the admin seemed to think otherwise.

Why we should unban you: A few hours earlier some government officials started to arrest people for starting a "revolution", which I wasn't a part of, but I still got arrested for "potential raid". I was pretty angry about that, so about 1 1/2 hours later I checked the rules (which don't say anything about Assassin RP) and wanted to go back and RP an Assassin getting revenge on the government, (i.e. assassin's creed).

About that time there was a lag spike and everybody's ping went up to 996, Every time I tried to holster my gun it would come back up 2 seconds later. On my screen I was stuck by the apartments and my gun wouldn't stop shooting. Then all of a sudden I was on the roof with DoomDude1 and he told me he witnessed me trying to kill people on the street. I tried to explain to him what happened to me earlier but he interpreted it as breaking NLR.

I really enjoy this server, and have around 26 hours played in the last 2 months. I'm really sorry about my actions, and I'd really appreciate a reduction or termination of my ban time. I consider myself really good at Role-Playing, and this is by far my favorite server to do it on.

RE: Unban request - DoomDude1 - 05-23-2013

Let's have a list of rules broken:

- Assassin/Hitman RP (stated by you)
- Breaking NLR (you died, then went to get revenge)
- Randomly shooting (you were running around town shooting)
- Multiple attempted RDM (you were also aiming at the people while you were shooting)
- Homophobia (you called other players "f*ggots")

I am not seeing a reason to unban you, besides you being sorry.

RE: Unban request - TheGlobalLegacy - 05-23-2013

(05-23-2013, 01:06 AM)Doomdude1 Wrote: Let's have a list of rules broken:

- Assassin/Hitman RP (stated by you)
- Breaking NLR (you died, then went to get revenge)
- Randomly shooting (you were running around town shooting)
- Multiple attempted RDM (you were also aiming at the people while you were shooting)
- Homophobia (you called other players "f*ggots")

I am not seeing a reason to unban you, besides you being sorry.

Well then I don't know what to say, you're right. I'm sorry for being a nuisance, I guess I'll see you in a month.Sad

RE: Unban request - TheGlobalLegacy - 05-23-2013

(05-23-2013, 01:06 AM)Doomdude1 Wrote: Let's have a list of rules broken:

- Assassin/Hitman RP (stated by you)
- Breaking NLR (you died, then went to get revenge)
- Randomly shooting (you were running around town shooting)
- Multiple attempted RDM (you were also aiming at the people while you were shooting)
- Homophobia (you called other players "f*ggots")

I am not seeing a reason to unban you, besides you being sorry.

Wait hold the phone, I just realized that I never died before I went to get revenge, I was simply arrested! Also the random shooting was still because of the lag, which I couldn't control.

RE: Unban request - Killjoy - 05-23-2013

Appeal denied.