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Double cdm by a taxi driver - Printable Version

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Double cdm by a taxi driver - Freezak - 04-25-2013

Name of player: jönte

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24945467

Time in GMT: gmt+2 athens greece, gmt+3 due to dst

Server: V2D

Summary: Simply i was staying in the bp with someone, when unexpectedly a taxi driver cdmed the guy near me, then i immedietaly turned the recording software one and catched him cdming me too, when i was about to stop him.


[Image: hl2_2013_04_25_18_45_08_802.png] [Image: hl2_2013_04_25_18_45_11_888.png]

RE: Double cdm by a taxi driver - Fultz - 04-29-2013

Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Not all CDMs are on purpose. From the looks of this one I do not see it as intentional

[FL] Fultzy
Server Administrative Team