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Gutted this is first post by ok :S - Printable Version

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Gutted this is first post by ok :S - Daniboy111 - 04-30-2011

Hi there. I was on server recently, i have been playing around 6 hours in total. I havent had any problems. I was a cop, me and Faustie were chasing this guy. I see this man in a suit shooting in Fausties direction , so i shoot him and take him down. Well after this chase, an admin... emm ..the timanator , comes 2 me. He asks if I shot an SS. Now im new, but i gather this means secret service or something. In my head i thought, shit i killed a good guy by accident, right i need to explain this to admin.
So i start of with SS is secret service right. Then I said, sorry i shot him, i didnt know he was SS, he was just wearing a suit. Then i get banned.

Now I think , fair enough i did wrong. No doubt about that. But its not like im perpously causing grief, It was an accident. I did apologise, i would have explained further that i was new, but this admin just banned me there and there. I think thats a bit extreme.

Any way I was hoping i could get unbanned please if possible. My steam id is Blacksword148.

Console message.

u received $200 salary.
(Radio) Daniel Morgan: hes gone to bar
Player Programmer 142 has joined the game.
Failed to load sound "siren.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: I have knocked out [Jesus]SleepyBed.
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: I have woken up [Jesus]SleepyBed.
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: I have arrested [Jesus]SleepyBed.
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Got him sir
Daniel Morgan: good job
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
(Radio) Daniel Morgan: u had some one shooting at u over there, i shot him down
Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Steroids help running Cheese
Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Nice teamie
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Nicely done
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Who was it?
(OOC) [Jesus]SleepyBed: god damn pursuit ss tazer :<
(Radio) Daniel Morgan: i didnt get a see on him
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Anyway, got to get my car
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
(Radio) Daniel Morgan: nicely done faustie
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: you too
Player [Я]ЗŁ04Ð has joined the game.
(ADMIN) [FL] Thetimanator teleported to =(eG)=™ Dr. Noobias [FL:RP]
Daniel Morgan: we got him
James 'Spaghetti' Ordelly: yeye
Daniel Morgan: nice work
(OOC) Programmer 142: Hi!
(OOC) Faustie: I'm just too pro sleepy
(ADMIN) [FL] Thetimanator teleported to Mr. LittleFinger
Tim Fellows: !goto finger
(<3) (OOC) =(eG)=™ Dr. Noobias [FL:RP]: Tim I think you can see in toe logs
Daniel Morgan: hello
Tim Fellows: Did you shoot an SS?
[ZG]Johnny removed sent_keypad
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: At villa 1 sir
Tim Fellows: ?
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Shall I create a roadblock while construction
is in process?
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Daniel Morgan: ss is secrete service agent right?
(Radio) Joe 'Noobias' Barbaro: Yeah
(Radio) Konrad Steiner: yes
Daniel Morgan: seacret
Tim Fellows: yea
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: Doing it now
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Daniel Morgan: give me one second im checking
*** Tim Fellows puts on a glorious suit.
(<3) (OOC) =(eG)=™ Dr. Noobias [FL:RP]: Faustie thats quite a name there xD
Daniel Morgan: i didnt know he was
Daniel Morgan: ss
Daniel Morgan: he was wearing a suit
(Radio) Faustie Castellano Trianno Corleone: hey cop park your car
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Daniel Morgan: and it lookedd as if he was shooting fausite
Tim Fellows: yep
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Daniel Morgan: faustie
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Tim Fellows: nvm, it was you
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Unknown command: SetSCarPlayerWepKey
Please use @ <message> to contact one of the admins.
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Reason at fearlessrp.net.
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Reason at fearlessrp.net.


RE: Gutted this is first post by ok :S - s.J. - 04-30-2011

First post being an unban req and not using the template...

RE: Gutted this is first post by ok :S - Daniboy111 - 04-30-2011

(04-30-2011, 07:38 PM)s.J. Wrote: First post being an unban req and not using the template...

Well like id said, id only been playing server for 6 hours.

RE: Gutted this is first post by ok :S - s.J. - 04-30-2011

Still doesn't mean you don't hve to use the template and break the rules.