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Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Printable Version

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Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Enzyme - 03-29-2013

Alright. Here are my two cents on dictatorships.

1. a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator.
2. absolute, imperious, or overbearing power or control.
3. the office or position held by a dictator."

I think think there are two types of dictatorship. Good and bad

The Bad *dramatic sound*

A bad dictatorship in my opinion is the standard "LETS-BAN-EVERYTHING-SO-I-CAN-BE-RAIDED". This person only writes "/broadcast Cars, shops, suits, walking, bald people, dealers, food banned" He has no real thought or planning behind his/her actions. He/she has no bad-guy-personality and does not stand out from the giant hoard of "LETS-BAN-EVERYTHING-Dictators".
What really grinds my gear about this that he/she does not make any RP out of his/her dictatorship. They have the power to more or less ban Passive-RP by sending her/his policeforce upon citizens who have done nothing wrong.

If you want aggressive RP, I think you should let someone else have the president-job. You can be mafia, drugseller and etc.

A good dictatorship in my opinion is a dictator who makes something out of his/her position. This person has more or less banned everything, but has "good" reasoning behind his/her bans.
I do not think of myself of a "perfect" dictator, but If I go dictator, I'll try to make something out of it.
I RP'd as a "Al Gore" of a dictator. I was very ECO-Friendly and had therefore banned any vehicles or tools who used fossil fuel. (Therefore, cars and lawnmowers were banned). I had also banned expencive clothing(suits) because it took alot of valuble resources and energy to produce these fine and exclusive suits just so people could show their wealthiness.
Now... I do not claim that im necessarily good dictator, but I try to make something out of it. I try to go for a personality which stands out, and I really like when other dictators do the same.
Basicly, I just wish for a bit more reasoning to why you choose to ban everything in the city, which can lead to an economical crysis.

Oh, you're a dictatorship who belives that free will will lead in chaos? Good for you!
You believe that humanity is on its path in the wrong direction and you want to "re-guide" it to perfection? Good for you!

What if we banned dictatorship as a whole? One can argue that dictatorship limits RP and is basicly.. stupid, but where would the limit between a normal government and a dictatorship go? Surely, this opinion would depend on the admin, would it not?

Now, please excuse my poor post as I'm writing this 6:30 in the morning, but I've had it with dictators who go dictators only so they can get raided. Dictatorship is over-done and very unoriginal and not creative.

Anyone else who want to share their views about this subject? Please stay on topic and keep it reasonable. You disagree? Please let me know why.

Spoiler :
For the luls: [Image: hFD6DEB2C]

RE: Lets talk about Dictatorship - Doctor KuLa - 03-29-2013

Oh Enzyme, Enzyme
(Local OOC) Enzyme: President make some bad laws please, so people can raid us (Similar like this)

My country which is Poland border by Belarus (Ruled by dictator)
And his government led the country nearly to bankruptcy.
Also for some stragne reason he closing Polish-Belarus border for like 1-3 days (most of time after EU sanctions).

I will add more information more cuz I'm lazy

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Toxic - 03-29-2013

I pressed the title because it seemed like a Joey thread.

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Joey Skylynx - 03-29-2013

If your entire existence as a dictator is to simply ban things, your a bad dictator(and president).

Things have changed since I was last a "dictator", mainly in the rules... Most of what I use to do is probably considered bannable now because people are whiny runts.
Anyway, lets discuss the Kingdom of Czechnya.

The Kingdom of Czechnya is a monarchy empire which thrives on a few key agreements between the monarchy and the people.

Number 1: Contraband is legalized(and institutionalized) under the Czechnyen Monarchy. This study is known simply as the Study of False-Capitalism and It's Psychological Effects. Every player is allowed to farm contraband within the Inner-City, but it's mainly condoned to a large warehouse building(namely Cubs Food) where it can be safely guarded by the government and other civilians.

Number 2: Firearms are legalized for usage and carry. This action is condoned under the consideration that the Police Force is purposefully underpowered, and unable to keep the city safe.

Number 3: Any foods which are produced from the F2 Menu(aside from drinks) are illegal. This is to locally increase the need/requirement for the Fish Market, and therefore keep the server economically driven.

Number 4: Rebels and Corleones are given three choices...
- Become Unemployed(or other jobs) and join the main city
- Accept Lordship for an area(Lake/Inner City cannot be taken) and must take responsibility of laws and policies for that area
- Be wanted by the Crown. Bounty Hunters will be given tickets to capture certain rebels/corleones and force them into a slave labor camp. These slave labor camps are usually related to the fish market, otherwise they are related to growing marijuana.

Rebels and Corleones do not server a practical purpose in society aside from being ~weebels~ therefore they are assimilated before they become an issue.

Number 5: As part of Number 2, players may be asked to serve voluntarily in the Czechnyan Milita. These groups construct trenchlines in the city tunnel, and keep rebels/corleones out, and deny entry of vehicles.

Number 6: Public Transportation is introduced via train-station or Trabant Service. This is the only form of transportation inside the city. Outside the city cars are seen as unrestricted, but they are disallowed from fueling inside the city.

Number 7: Police will no longer "arrest" players but rather force them into slave labor camps dotted around the map. Most of these slave labor camps are for fish, marijuana, and in rare cases... doughnuts.

I can easily go on for hours about how to run a dictatorship....

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - edgie - 03-29-2013

Joey, your number 1 already breaks a perma-law...

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Adman - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 02:05 PM)The Honored Wrote: Joey, your number 1 already breaks a perma-law...

I do believe he realises that though.

(03-29-2013, 07:04 AM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: Most of what I use to do is probably considered bannable now

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - DubpleRW - 03-29-2013


RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Commander Fi5h - 03-29-2013

Well, that was...interesting?

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - Joey Skylynx - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 02:05 PM)The Honored Wrote: Joey, your number 1 already breaks a perma-law...

By doing what I did though, I stopped almost 90% of the crimes within the inner-city(the only other crime was Corleone/Rebel backed insurgents) and for the most part the Police/SS were just simply transferred for either slave camp watch, or given orders to defend the trenchline.

So in certain respects it's a matter of how you view things. Do you stop crime within the RP, or bow before perma laws? Is it morally correct to break rules at your expense but allow players to have greater freedoms, and be able to explore passive roleplay without the fear of not being able to make money?

The way I view things is if you've gotta break, and bend rules to ensure overall happiness... So be it. Your not going to help anything with your hands tied behind your back.

RE: Lets talk about... Dictatorship - edgie - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 10:22 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote:
(03-29-2013, 02:05 PM)The Honored Wrote: Joey, your number 1 already breaks a perma-law...

By doing what I did though, I stopped almost 90% of the crimes within the inner-city(the only other crime was Corleone/Rebel backed insurgents) and for the most part the Police/SS were just simply transferred for either slave camp watch, or given orders to defend the trenchline.

So in certain respects it's a matter of how you view things. Do you stop crime within the RP, or bow before perma laws? Is it morally correct to break rules at your expense but allow players to have greater freedoms, and be able to explore passive roleplay without the fear of not being able to make money?

The way I view things is if you've gotta break, and bend rules to ensure overall happiness... So be it. Your not going to help anything with your hands tied behind your back.

I've never even stated my opinion on the rules or breaking them lol, I am just stating that many people will not exactly be attracted to it if it is breaking the rules, it also sounds like you are telling people to break the rules if they personally think that it would be better (and this would justify a person to do many things, just because it is subjective)