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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - georetro - 02-17-2013

Your name: {Steam} BGM | georetro

Your ban ID: 24805

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Breaking FearRP

Involved: I am not sure! It was a police officer and me.

Why we should unban you: Basically! I had been put into prison and I was having a look around. This police officer told me to go back into my cell so I did some Roleplaying. I stood in front of the cop and then went to go into my cell. I looked in a cell but came out of it since it wasn't my cell. Just when I was about to step into my cell I got banned! I don't even understand the situation. How did I break FearRP???

RE: Unban Request - georetro - 02-17-2013

Hey guys! I was banned for 1 day 7 hours and now it has gone to 1 day 16 hours

RE: Unban Request - Narc - 02-17-2013

You were standing at the entrance of the jails having a tazer pointed at you by viljoeL, he told you to move to the jails more than 4 times, yet you still resisted.

RE: Unban Request - georetro - 02-17-2013

(02-17-2013, 09:55 PM)Narcotic Wrote: You were standing at the entrance of the jails having a tazer pointed at you by viljoeL, he told you to move to the jails more than 4 times, yet you still resisted.

He told me to get in the jail twice. I went to a cell looked inside then I came out and was about to go into another one. I don't know why that deserved a ban.

RE: Unban Request - Narc - 02-17-2013

You weren't close to a cell.

Appeal denied.