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[Event] Minecraft Flans War - Printable Version

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[Event] Minecraft Flans War - Link - 01-13-2013

Goodafternoon every Rper out there!
Instead of me bringing you some news or some interesting bit of information, I have come here to announce the start of an event that will go on throughout a weekend. This event is a 'Minecraft Flan's war'. Basically, there are two teams. England and Germany who have to fight between eachother. Each team will be split into two. Germany, Japan and England, America.

[Image: seo-how-it-works-icon.jpg&w=900&h=897&ei...x=15&ty=82]

There will be three main islands, England and American base, German and Japan base and 'No man's land' in the middle between them. 'No man's land' will have a rouge base standing in the center.

[Image: mapzjg.png]

In order to attack each others bases on foot. You will have to capture the base in no man's land and the small islands arround it. Once you have done so, you are then allowed to move up on foot to the opposite team's base. Before you've captured all of the bases on the other hand, you are only allowed to bomb them with planes unless shot down. You could then use self defence to get out of the area.


[Image: imgleaderwithteams.jpg&w=1500&h=1125&ei=...=156&ty=92]

America : With America being a superpower of the word, their military equipment is loaded with power and accuracy. Their planes are stable and fast yet week because they can be taken down with ease. Their tanks pack a punch yet still move quickly avoiding coming into contact with a German Panza.

England : With the British engineers being one of the best in the world, their tanks and planes meet the requirements of becoming the best. German spys have infiltrated the research and are starting to use it against them improving their planes too. British weaponry is pretty low quality with old combat rifles with bayonets being used in regular battles.

Germany : This very wealthy nation can create many inventions that are completely new to the world such as Mustard Gas in WW1. Their weapons use a mix of semi and fully automatic. They have a vast array of planes with different characteristics performing different tasks more efficiently.

Japan : A lively bunch have quick and sturdy planes unfortunately using it to 'Suicide' killing many of their enemies in the process. This team only had biplanes because there are no Japanese planes in the mod but can join forces with Germany in assaults. To make up for this. Their engineers have worked as hard as they could to deliver the best guns as possible to their troops.


[Image: checklist.jpg&w=1600&h=1200&ei=_8PyUIqrB...,s:0,i:148]
  • Minecraft 1.4.6
  • Flans's Mod
  • A fast PC with 4+GB Ram (For Distance)
  • Teamspeak
  • A mic


[Image: how-to-join.png&w=258&h=179&ei=HMTyUNLQJ...x=93&ty=41]

Just post your IGN in minecraft :
Hours on FL : (So we can check you're not a minge)
Bans :
Age :
Timezone :

I will then PM you the various detales that you will need to know. If you can't do it, that's fine!

England : Already full with people my friend knows

America : Already Full with people my friend knows

Germany :
Head - Link66
Solider- Mark Mayklovski

Japan :
Head -

[Image: gmanweneedyou.png]

RE: [Event] Minecraft Flans War - Mark Mayklovski - 01-13-2013

Hours on FL : 82
Bans : 2
Age : 13
Timezone : GMT+3

I think a hoster of this server has got nice internet.