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Ban Request CaptainF34R - Printable Version

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Ban Request CaptainF34R - forestman11 - 12-31-2012

Name of player: CaptainF34R

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41161089

Time in GMT: About 4:05 AM

Server: [FL] Fearless [EvoCity_v33x] [Semi-Serious Roleplay] [FASTDL]

Summary:Continued to propblock and kill to get away from police officers. A little RDM as well.

Evidence: http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a580/forestman11/rp_evocity_v33x0001_zpsf42074dd.jpg
I couldn't get him in the shot because he was hiding behind the post but you can clearly see the prop blocking the door. I'm postive there will be other bam requests.

RE: Ban Request Cyatox - Kenny1337 - 12-31-2012

Fail on the picture the name is CaptainF34R HAHAHAHA!

RE: Ban Request Cyatox - Termin - 12-31-2012

Wrong name...

RE: Ban Request Cyatox - Disabled Angel - 12-31-2012

Name of the person in question: CaptainF34R
Steam id: STEAM_0:0:41161089

Edit your thread changing Cyatox's detials to these.

RE: Ban Request Cyatox - beflok - 12-31-2012

There is not enough evidence. Will give you 24 hours to submit more.

RE: Ban Request Cyatox - Disabled Angel - 01-01-2013

(12-31-2012, 06:00 PM)Beflok Wrote: There is not enough evidence. Will give you 24 hours to submit more.


RE: Ban Request CaptainF34R - beflok - 01-01-2013

One of the cops heads is blocking the right side entrance. There could be a keypad thats why I wanted more screenshots. I am not justifying this as a good or bad base/home just being fair.

RE: Ban Request CaptainF34R - Ruxandra - 01-03-2013

Not enough evidence.