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Un ban DarkSniper! - Printable Version

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Un ban DarkSniper! - Saul - 12-16-2012

Hi Im Dark Sniper I wasn't prop blocking i had a keypad go and check if you don't believe me the password was 558 so please UN ban me!

Time 20:42
(About 3 mins after my ban)

RE: Un ban DarkSniper! - GhostRider - 12-16-2012

Delete this thread and post your unban request here: http://fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=15
Don't forget to use the template: http://fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=10

RE: Un ban DarkSniper! - Mahti - 12-17-2012

Wrong section, Ban request denied.