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My Lagg Spike - Printable Version

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My Lagg Spike - Ne0ster - 11-23-2012

Guys checkout my lagg spike! it looks kinda cool in a video Tounge

RE: My Lagg Spike - Foxy The Pirate - 11-23-2012

Meh thats how my game looks usually when my brother is on his computer. but it kinda looks like a slideshow.

RE: My Lagg Spike - xILLUMINATIxSWAGx - 11-23-2012

nice internet

RE: My Lagg Spike - Ne0ster - 11-23-2012

(11-23-2012, 07:42 AM)xILLUMINATIxSWAGx Wrote: nice internet

Wasnt my internet.. Was my PC that was slow..

RE: My Lagg Spike - xILLUMINATIxSWAGx - 11-23-2012

then thats not a lag spike.. thats just terrible framerate..

RE: My Lagg Spike - Spud - 11-24-2012

I get that quite often. It's nothing special.

RE: My Lagg Spike - Haarek - 11-24-2012

My internet is so shitty it started to buffer halfway through..