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Silent Hill - Foxy The Pirate - 11-19-2012

So i am sitting here bored during class and decided to write this topic asking a basic question. Have any of you ever played any of the Silent Hill games? If you have did you like it or didn't you? And if you have played more than one do you have any favorite in the series.

Ill start.

I have played silent hill 1,2,3,4,Origin,Homecomming,Shattered memories,
and i love all games in the series up to origin. After Silent Hill 4 the games kinda started being bad. Anyway have to say that my favorite one is Silent Hill 2.

Anyway your turn now would love to hear what you guys have to say.

RE: Silent Hill - BlackDog - 11-19-2012

Played 2, know all about the others, scared the hell out of me when i was a kid, I got about as far as the hospital i think.

Your right in what you say though about after 4 how it started to go downhill.

Where as the old Silent hills were about slow building horror with great atmosphere and monsters based around the main characters own mind, fears and so on, the newer ones seem to be more about action, kind of the route the resident evils went but without as much success
The monster designs i do know are 2-3

SH2: Monsters based around the premise of punishing the guy for his actions and his own sexual desires "The Sexy nurse"
SH3: Monsters based around the chars fear of insects and of course her past "Cult Child"

RE: Silent Hill - Foxy The Pirate - 11-19-2012

That is exactly what bothers me with the new silent hill games that they just keep copying monsters from older games as the nurses and of course how pyramid head have become a permanent mark on the Silent Hill series although he should have only exsisted in Silent Hill 2 to punish James. But yeah the new games sorta go the Resident evil way with much actions and easy to get weapons. And the two most specific things that bothers me with Homecoming and Origins is that Travis Grady in origins is kinda a mary sue character that gets a power that no one else has that makes him able to travel between the other world and the mist world at his own will because he became a friend with Alessa. And also that in homecoming Alex Sheppard kills human cult members.

RE: Silent Hill - Warior135 - 11-19-2012

2 and 3 where brilliant after 4, WHAT THE FUCK* HAPPENED?!

Story line of all SHs now: "Kill the zombie ghosts!!!"

RE: Silent Hill - BlackDog - 11-19-2012

From what i gather as well 1-4 were all made and published by Konami, beyond 4 it keeps changing hands from developer to developer:

SH1: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
SH2: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
SH3: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
SH4: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Origins: Climax Studios
Homecomming: Double Helix Games
Shattered Memories: Climax Studios
Downpour: Vatra Games
Book of Memories: WayForward Technologies

If you keep jumbleing a series around from dev to dev your never going to get a game that actualy feels like the old ones because none of the people who work on it actualy get to work on it for very long, compared to Konami who had created the idea, and worked on it for 4 games and had more than enough experience to keep it going, but for a reason unknown to me dumped it off onto US developers, and a japanese horror game being given to a US developer to work on means they have their own idea of horror.

In japan, horror is subtle and slow building and disturbing.

In america horror these days is a monster jumping out of a closet screaming BOO! 6 Times in a row throughout the movie "Some exceptions apply IE: The Paranormal Activity Movies"

RE: Silent Hill - Foxy The Pirate - 11-19-2012

Well yeah the first 4 games were made by Team Silent in tokyo (i believe) but they stopped making the games after four because of a lot of different rumors most believeable is that they started to argue within the team and there after disbaneded to go work on other Konami games. Although when the games first switched to a new developer some of the old team mainly Akira Yamoka and Mary Elizabeth Mcglynn switched to the new developers although they only did the musical parts of the games (which is why the music is still good) But they too quit after the latest game Silent Hill Downpour.

Oh and while discussing this on another note something that made me really mad was that with the recent release of The Silent Hill HD collection (Silent Hill 2 and 3) they decided to switch out the voice acting for hollywood actors making the characters not sound like real people. Although this was because the original voice actors threatened to sue Konami because they had re-released new games with their voices without their permission. Although in the end all of the voice actors from SH 2 decided to wave their legal rights to the voice and let Konami use their voices in the HD version of SH 2 making it so you can chose if you want the old voice acting or the new. Although this did not happen to the HD version of SH 3 because they couldn't find some of the old voice actors they had to use the new voices which in my opinion makes the Main character (heather Mason) sound like she is somewhere between 20-25 although she is supposed to be 17. Anyway this is just me rambeling.

RE: Silent Hill - xILLUMINATIxSWAGx - 11-25-2012

silent hill is the shit cuh. no other games will ever be able to capture that atmosphere