Fearless Forums
Ban request mocte - Printable Version

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Ban request mocte - Raccoon - 10-29-2012

Name of player: mocte

SteamID: STEAM_0:19126803

Time in GMT: +1 01:30am


Summary: mocte made a roadblock with frozen props in the city. spamming radar gun until someone is speeding then pressing numpad to activate/deactivate this roadblockade.

Evidence:: (props activated)
(deactivated) you can see the blurr to the right of tides doors.

RE: Ban request mocte - Jamie - 10-29-2012

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (mocte, STEAM_0:19126803) was found violating rules regarding FailRp, Numpad Abuse.
Suspension will be applied for 2 days .

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team