Fearless Forums
ILikeTrainsKid - F4ggotry - Ban Request - Printable Version

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ILikeTrainsKid - F4ggotry - Ban Request - Scorpion - 08-26-2012

Name of player: ILikeTainsKid

SteamID: Dunno lol

Time in GMT: 13:10

Server: v2

Summary: I just joined this forum and IlikeTrainsKid being a *** and I saw this...

[Image: SpLJh.png]

I'm sure other people had other pics of his f4ggotry.

RE: ILikeTrainsKid - F4ggotry - Ban Request - StillAlive - 08-27-2012

Ban request denied. Moved to it's right section.

- StillAlive