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unban req - mikko1 - Printable Version

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unban req - mikko1 - Mikko1 - 07-18-2012

Your name: Mikko

Your ban ID: 10429

Banned by: Console

Server: v2d

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: I'm sorry this happened. I was testing FapHack in sp, and i binded it to alt for easy use. After some time, i removed FapHack. On FL i used alt to walk, apparently i forgot to remove that bind. I mean, i've been banned for a month, (that's a pretty long time) Maybe we can work something out like shorter the ban maybe?

Thanks in advance.

RE: unban req - mikko1 - Ruxandra - 07-20-2012

Your ban will expire in two weeks. Make sure you completely remove your hack as next time it will be permanent.