Fearless Forums
SoulNaru Unban request! - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: SoulNaru Unban request! (/showthread.php?tid=16440)

SoulNaru Unban request! - SoulNaru - 07-17-2012

Your name: (SoulNaru)

Your ban ID: (I dont know)

Banned by: (Ruxandra)

Server: (v33x)

Involved: (Me and A owner of a upside down car)

Why we should unban you: (I was proppush to help a guy get his car unstuck i gave warning to people arund becuz i dident want to hurt them i told them this in mic (Guys back up im trying to help this guy with his car)

RE: SoulNaru Unban request! - Ruxandra - 07-20-2012

Ban expired.