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How not to: Combat Guide - Printable Version

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How not to: Combat Guide - redhotpengy - 12-31-2010

Quote:Your stationed infront of the tides hotel, sirens wail, and you stand aiming your weapon at the entrence, while a negotiator does his work with the Five armed criminals holding out within the building. As time passes, you wonder when they are going to make a move...Suddenly, five, heavily armed men, rush out of the hotel two of them weilding crowbars. They charge you, and, instead of taking cover, they start...Bunny hoping? They circle strafe you and start butt-rushing with their crowbars in hand. Before you know it, your a stiff on the sidewalk. After the 10 second wait, you think to yourself "What the F**k Just happend".

Has this ever happened to you? People running around each other with their AKs blazing, etc. etc. well, for all you guys with the M4s and Awps, remember this one simple rule:

Let me break it down for you in these simple tips to make gunfights last longer and become more realistic.

The entire goal in a gunfight is to stay alive longer than the other guy, and a simple way to do this is by preserving yourself, which means taking proper actions to do so, this can include, but is not limited to:
-Taking Cover
-Not rushing
-Using firearms
-If you have a crowbar, consider hanging back.

You lost your gun...end of:
If you lost your gun in a gunfight, for gods sakes don't minge grab it back. You lost it fair and square, and you have no right to it. when you started the fight, you knew the risks you were taking.However, if you were killed unfairly, (RDM, CDM) then get an admin involved.

In a melee fight, it's not about who can B-hop and circle strafe the best, its about who can roleplay. This is where we seperate the roleplayers from the minges:
-Use a turn based system to /me the fights, for example:
*Person one Swings his crowbar
*Person two dodges it.
*Person one swings in the opposite direction.
*Person two Is hit.
Once you land a hit, THEN you may use the crowbar once, this is unneccesary n fist fights since the fists do 0 damage.
-Don't attack when someones talking.
If someone is talking or trying to /me, hold your fire and wait until he says it, it may help the roleplay.
[Refer to How not to: Powergaming guide for further melee combat instruction]

Shoot to miss:
Not really important in a semi-serious RP server, but it helps extend the fight and makes it a bit more cinimatic.
-Fire at objects infront of the enemy
-Fire at objects behind the enemy
-If they do not make an attempt to get behind cover, go ahead and shoot them, BE LENIANT.

Know when to give up:
If your vision is blured, i think its time to throw in the towel. You character would probably be seriously wounded at 20 HP or less, so rolplay accordingly.

Now that you know the basics, hopefully we can stop gunfights from becoming giant matches of UT-2004

Semi-serious RP: Roleplay that losley follows real world activities and does not require players to act as they would in real life.
Death-match RP: Roleplay based around combat and uses counter-strike styled movements and stratigies to dominate the opposite team.

REMEMBER: Semi-serious RP does NOT mean Death Match RP, incorporate SOME level of realisim into your fights.