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Unban request - Printable Version

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Unban request - courage - 06-19-2012

name courage
ban number 11276
time unknown.
admin who banned me Beflok
reason - Ban request approved, asking to be killed to avoid arrest way too many bans respect ALL the rules.

video -

[Image: Are_You_Fucking_Kidding_Me_HD_by_CrusierPL.png]

Ok do i even need to say it...... come on man you can tell that during this time i was joking around hard core. i have to say that this is one of the most ridicules attempts to get someone banned. now did i ask to be killed in the ''video'' ? yes. now the real question is did i mean it ? NO i didn't. i was being playful during this time and i did not intend on him killing me. i only said ''kill me'' because he was holding a knife at me and i was testing him. Only to get in his head. So he would then get arrested.. i had not intentions in my head of being killed to avoid arrest. its funny because i was only doing a simple thing and i get banned for 3 days and 24 hours. pleas understand that this is simply ridicules and i had no intentions of him killing me to get out of an arrest. and to top it off i was trying to log off for the night. in the video i say so as well. i was getting off because it was late and i was getting tired. hence the reason i was acting a little odd. now if anything i did nothing wrong for this ban because i didn't get killed intentionally. i didn't actually mean for the guy with the knife to kill me. it was all me just fucking around once again, im sorry. In this video it is very hard to put myself on trial because it looks so convincing that I was trying to get myself killed to avoid arrest. But that’s not what my intentions where I promise. If this is to much to even think about removing then pleas reduce the ban time. I am honestly trying to follow the rules now and I am doing this to keep myself out of trouble. Just ask people about me. I have recently made a new ride with a good friend of mine. The rides name is The Speed Demon.

PS can all admins or players who view this check out the forum page and vote for this ride to be spawned in the city. I will link the forums web page below. This link is strictly on FearlessRP.nets web-page.


RE: Unban request - beflok - 06-19-2012

After reviewing the evidence you also broke fear RP. It doesn't seem to be joking even if it was it is still breaking rules right in the middle of town. So what if you do get killed instead of getting arrested and everyone sees it then they will start thinking thats ok to do. You really want to encourage and promote more rulebreaking?

I am not unbanning you. But some other admins can cast their opinions on the matter if they wish.

RE: Unban request - courage - 06-19-2012

ok well thanks again for overlooking everything once again like you always do. it was a simple mistake and somehow you seam to find an error in it again. thanks for takeing 4 days away from me that would of only been a 24 hour ban to begin with. this is some bull shit and you know it beflok. i do not understand on how you can always find the worst in someone without even looking at there side. you where determend to find something extra in the video to throw down on me even though it has nothing to do with this case. im not sure what your deal is with me but you need to understand i am a player and not some push around fuck off.

RE: Unban request - beflok - 06-19-2012

lets see so as an admin I am supposed to enforce the rules right?

In the video I see you breaking many of these rules:

Asking to be killed to get out of an RP situation
Fail RP
Breaking Fear RP, cop told you to stop and you did not comply.

So wait if you are breaking all these rules why should I not ban you? I am confused why you think I like have it out for you. I treat everyone the same I don't care who you are. If you break the rules expect to get some form of punishment.

But thank you for basically calling me close minded and a bad admin. Start taking responsibility for your own actions & follow the rules, it will go along way in this community.

RE: Unban request - courage - 06-19-2012

now you are not a bad admin i understand its not easy being admin because i have been admin on many different occasions. and i know the need to keep a server in good shape but the way you handle it is just to forcing in my opinion, again this is my opinion. stop looking for things to ban people who don't deserve it. and look for people who do not even have the intentions on playing the server. i am not one of thous people. instead of banning me every time i do one small thing wrong you could at least look at the bright side and say '' hey maybe he didn't mean to do that'' when i tell you it was not intentional. honestly i have never met someone who always looks down at everything as a threat or to big of a risk. And if you feel people should be punished for technicality s then here lets give this a round.

and you may not ''have it out for me'' but you know me by now to know how im going to feel when you ban me for such ridicules reasons. now rules are rules and they do need to be followed and i know this, im cool with that. but i was just fucking going to log off during this time. i didn't want to be on the server any longer then i had to be during the time. i was fucking tired as hell and i wanted to get off. i was in a hurry. BUT i did NOT intentionally ask him to kill me because i felt he would.

and as far as the fear RP goes i didn't know he had a gun on me till it was in my face. he gave no warning at all that he was going to open fire.then he shot me down. all i did was circle around him as you can see in the video

. it was not a worthy arrest because he had no solid proof at all that i had even done anything and that’s Fail rp on the cops part for random arrest. If anyone should be banned its the cop. He failed to contain the guy with the knife [Sergeno] who was holding the knife to my face. During this the officer [ Leggomyweggo111] had stunned him about the time of 0:16-0:31 seconds in the video. After that I was in the clear. I had no weapons pointed at me and I was a free man as far as the rules go.

Again I would like to note if you had looked at the video with more detail during this event INSTEAD of looking for things I did wrong, you may of noticed one BIG detail. I didn't do anything wrong.

This officer [ Leggomyweggo111] had sent out a warrant for me without reason. He was strictly running on a hunch. He had no solid evidence that I had ''Punched anyone'' want to know why... because I didn't do it. read the chat logs. Renaldo Guerra said '' im a witness'' ''LEGGO'' '' HE IS NOT THE SUSPECT'' ''I SAW IT'' then the next following chat log was by Vin diesel ''the cop'' and he said ''I need a Arrest on courage'' no reason. He simply just wanted to arrest me for no fucking reason. During this time I was not under arrest because the president did NOT issue an arrest warrant for my name at all. Again fail rp.

When I was coming to a stop near the end of the corner he had shot me with his gun one time in the side of the left leg. I then began to laugh humorlessly wile walking around him '' not running from him'' then Sergeno comes around the corner with a knife and Leggomyweggo111 fails once more by opening fire upon him ''3 shots'' with one shot hitting him directly in the ass without warning, I would like to add after being shot at [Sergeno] broke FearRP because he ran after being shot at 3 times. Now as a cop we all know the rules non lethal before lethal. ''unless your life is in strict danger. I had no weapons. Then he shoots me ''8 times'' in the upper chest and face killing me.

Now in real life you would lose your job and be thrown in prison if you shot someone with a gun instead of using your NON lethal weapon at close range with a unsuspected bystander who had no weapons on hand. That is some nice RP going on. Now in the video im sure your going to say I was breaking FearRP because he told me to stop with a ''GUN'' pointed at me. Well that may be true but again would I even be in this situation if he had followed the rules to begin with ? The answer is no if [ Leggomyweggo111] had simply not failed so hard core non of this would of even happened. He should change his description from tall and serious to ''I like to randomly arrest people without evidence''.

If anything I did nothing wrong other stay online during this event. As Gman would say. The right man in the wrong place. I can go on and on about how this ban has no right to even be in the logs but the fact is I have just provided enough evidence to prove my innocence. Thank you have a good day.

I do not wish for these people to be banned. I only wish for you to understand that in this video I am not the one at fault. You only looked at me because the ban referral had my name on it. It it had Sergeno or Leggomyweggo111 name on it you would be looking at them and not me. Im not sure why I am the targeted one in this but what the hell, whats new huh ?

RE: Unban request - beflok - 06-20-2012

Right so since you failed to clearly see how you broke the rules the ban stays.

Regardless of your RP scenario you cannot break server rules.

Unban request denied.