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RDMing, Corrupt cops and soldiers - Printable Version

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RDMing, Corrupt cops and soldiers - Slacker101 - 05-25-2012

Me and two friends where playing today and set us up a nice house in the burbs. Well three guys fully loaded with guns broke into our locked house. One was a Kermi Sergeant, one was a cop and the other was the president. They broke into our house and shot us all. Two of the guys names were Nate_500 [FL:RP] and madbones2210. Madbones2210 Told us to "Burn bitch" and set the place on fire. We did nothing to deserve this as we set up our house way away from the city to AVOID being shot. Now two of us are on the same 'clan'(though we prefer to say team) and we were testing the server to see if we could get others in our clan interested in playing on here. But with this happening I think we have almost completely lost interest in playing on this server. I do not understand how a cop, the president, and a soldier get to burst into a place the three of us took care to make and just destroy it. I really hope these guys can be blacklised. Of course this wasn't an isolated event. Someone prop surfed up to a cliff(but i didn't get his name) and was sniping everyone and people were fighting downtown seemingly rdming, which was the reason we set up house way away from downtown in the first place.

RE: RDMing, Corrupt cops and soldiers - TheParamedic - 05-25-2012

Good day,

Just to confirm what "Slacker101" is saying. After reading through the rules, I ensure to follow them through to the best of my ability.

I was suggested this server from a friend who has played here before, and henceforth suggested to some fellow team members to try it out with me.

As my name says, I chose the role/job of paramedic, choosing no sides and healing all that needed saving. Slacker, playing a cabby, was politely adverting for those needing a cab anywhere. Our other friend, CS-Gas, was playing the role/job of a police officer.

Spent most of our time, prepping and decorating the house all three of us were sharing, and roleplaying diligently. We saw warnings of downtown being in conflict, so we barricaded the windows and locked the doors.

Three 'uninvited' personnel (I believe they were spec op, pres, and police commander) barge into the home, gunned down a fellow officer. I locked the door for my room, and they broke into it and gunned me down, and then the taxi driver.

When we spawned, the home where we spent a little over an hour and a half decorating, was all in flames.

This, unfortunately does not give the nice welcoming feeling of wanting to come back if this is not appropriately dealt with.

We ask you administrators and moderators for your assistance in clarifying and at your discretion take necessary measures on assisting with this issue.

Thank you for your time in reading our posts, have a pleasant evening.

RE: RDMing, Corrupt cops and soldiers - Slacker101 - 05-25-2012

I wrote this about my cab driver.http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=14025. And whenever I used voice chat I even tried to use my best Indian accent.

RE: RDMing, Corrupt cops and soldiers - GRiiM - 05-25-2012

Sorry to hear about what happened.
This is not the place for this thread, you need to post this here: http://www.fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=14
Also you're required to have evidence otherwise the admins can't do anything.

RE: RDMing, Corrupt cops and soldiers - TheParamedic - 05-25-2012

Thank you for showing where to post the request, GRiiM.

Slacker, I have quoted your post in the appropriate template and posted it here:
