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BMD Cant farm weed - Printable Version

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RE: BMD Cant farm weed - Pollux - 07-15-2018

(07-14-2018, 01:58 PM)Fultz Wrote: This thread is so stupid on levels I cant even imagine.

No, the staff team does not have to discuss things with the community. I am always in full support on that. But at the same time you have to realize that doing it pisses certain people off.

Pollux, every time I see something regarding you, the more I see my comparison from the beginning coming true. Just breaking down your wording. "This is why I decided to ban weed for them." What do you think of that? how about, "Why would I need a discussion with the community on a matter like this?" Your level of entitlement is so high right now it actually bothers me. I do not know if you are just poor in communication skills or you genuinely feel like you are all high an mighty on the servers. You have already abused your powers by deleting opinions in a discussion thread. Take a step back before you just get outright demoted. Just because you are pumping out updates does not make you immune to consequences. Get off this Mavis path before you end up like him.

Suggestions for you, Pollux.

1. Don't use I or me when discussing changes to anything regarding FL. It makes it seem like you just went up and changed it without discussion. Instead, say we as a team decided. or Why would we need to discuss this with you. People will no longer be mad at just you for changes. But the staff team.

2. Honestly just avoid discussion threads altogether. We have seen on this thread alone that you cannot handle criticism well. Let the staff team speak in defense of changes. Going back and looking at this thread, you were the one who started the flame war with you highly holier than thou attitude.

Quote:Why would I need a discussion with the community on a matter like this? I always have to discuss anything I change on the server, that discussion doesn't have to be with you though. It's not just what I want at all.

This was always against the rules, it's just hardcoded now meaning people don't have to be punished. If anything this helps you guys.

This comment right here made this thread spiral out of control.

Honestly, if this shit doesn't change I hope you have the same outcome as Mavis. Just because you pump out a lot of updates for Fearless does not mean that you can behave like this. Mature up/take a break/whatever or you need to go bud.

(btw my opinion on the change) Who cares if the BMD cant grow weed? Just be a citizen running a weed shop if you want? BMD should focus on selling instead of growing.

Alright, I think it's only reasonable for me to reply due to this thread really spiralling out of control and my lack of comment seems to just result in more incorrect assumptions being made. 

On the actual topic of why this was removed, Divey pretty much covered it all. After discussion we decided it was pretty much impossible to not be powergaming while farming weed as a BMD, as such I blocked their use of weed. This is here to stay and really will not affect anyone who wasn't relying on powergaming while farming weed.  I don't think the anger in this thread is due to the removal anymore as the same point has been explained by numerous others in this thread, I believe it's more due to how I've been handling things recently. 

From reading all the comments in this thread again, it seems like many people assumed I made this decision myself and didn't consult anyone. I really do not blame any of you for assuming this due to my wording and development practises being a very hidden matter. If I ever do anything that changes the server (apart from bugfixes) I must make a thread in the Development Office for it first where it is then discussed by the team and after a while, it's either added or declined. All of the nerfs followed the same procedure throughout and it wasn't my decision alone to add them to the game. It was much needed due to a few people making way too much money from Contraband and Weed after my update, all I did is try and bring balance and was honestly extremely surprised at the massive backlash it received for something so minor. You are still making more from weed than pre AggRP overhaul and the BMD change was simply enforcing a rule.

I've always been open to criticism and have always allowed for people to DM me on discord since I was a contributor. This hasn't changed and I'm still more than open to constructive criticism. There a massive difference between constructive criticism and straight up insulting someone, I'm more than open for a comment like Fultz (could do without the attitude though) but spewing lies in an attempt to annoy me is very different. I'm not saying I handled this discussion perfectly as I really didn't, however, I don't think anyone in this thread handled it well at all. I'm guilty of trying to fight fire with fire in a sense, I've been tackling the unwarranted aggression towards me with the aggression of my own which isn't helping anyone and is making me seem incredibly immature and for that, I apologise. I didn't take this thread seriously to begin with and it's blown up in my face due to it.

I doubt I can change many opinions and in all honesty, I don't really mind. If you want to hate me then so be it, I can't please everyone. I'm just asking for people not to judge me based off a few PRs (most of which have been denied/resulted in no punishment) and this thread, as everyone does mess up once in a while. While the comment I deleted was stupid, it was still wrong to delete it and that matter has already been dealt with internally. It's just hard to deal with a lot of unprovoked hate when you're doing a ton for the server out of your own time and really sucks when people are backing up the extremely immature comments like saying all I do is "steal content from LL" or that the P90 is a "ripped off addon". I've seen people talking behind my back in OOC and attempting to convince others I'm a horrible person. I understand some people just want to watch the world burn, watching those I once used to respect do it is just disgusting. I wouldn't be doing anything if I didn't actually care for the community, the last thing I want is for me to be seen as a bad figure, as I still believe I'm really not.

If you seriously want to determine I'm as bad as Mavis based off a single thread, so be it. I just hope you realise your mistake one day. I'm not going to try force opinions on me as that's simply not possible. Just at least respect what I'm doing for the server even if you hate me, as I'm doing it all for you guys.

RE: BMD Cant farm weed - Grunt - 07-15-2018

I appreciate your apology and agree that this thread has spiralled out of control massively and some comments are just pure flame. I'm glad that you are beginning to realise what you did and I hope it develops you as a person, alot it is stemming from arrogance in all honesty - try to be more humble about your rank and not brag about things like your rank "accidently" changing in the server and you blasting about it in OOC. It just comes across as really childish.

The main point of this thread was that I was surprised that the BMD was changed without warning and the discussion about the reasons behind it I still believe to be wrong but that is difference of opinion and the decision has been made. It's ultimately down to the staff team what is changed and wording is very important as text online can be perceived very differently to what was originally intended.

No-one is slamming anyone for making the updates, but it's the attitude surrounding them after it which is the issue. Arny has made some wonderful updates (as have you Pollux) but the attitude he has around them is very humble. Perhaps you could learn from Arny in this regard as it's nothing to be ashamed of.

I honestly don't understand where this powergaming rule comes from, Divey, because powergaming incites that you have power over another party (such as to assist in a raid) though means within the game, but I fail to see how making weed is power gaming in the slightest? It's been a feature for a long time (at least since I was in the server in 2015) and was never ever critised of being power gaming?

The reasoning behind this is baffling me, you may aswell just say you wanted to change it rather than spew out that it's powergaming.

RE: BMD Cant farm weed - Marty - 07-15-2018

Why the fuck is there an 8 page discussion on a rule that's been implemented for years.


RE: BMD Cant farm weed - User 12049 - 07-16-2018

(07-14-2018, 01:49 PM)Divey Wrote: -snip-

Before I continue, once again thanks for the work done Pollux. Good to have a developer actually developing.


This update isn't i'd say coded correctly? A better solution would have been that a BMD cannot interact with the weed seller. This means they can continue to grow weed and sell it to players however cannot sell for self supplying/powergaming.

By the logic of this update it could be argued that its worth hard coding that if I as a doctor cannot pick up my own suppliers because it could lead to powergaming? But that's stupid and crazy right? Well that's how the people in the thread view this change.

To conclude, allow BMD's to place weed but not access the seller.

RE: BMD Cant farm weed - Jan - 07-16-2018

Such a shame, aslong as BMD's do their job and farm weed on the sideline it should be fine. It's a lot of fun to start an illegal empire as BMD. Don't restrict, allow it!

While we are grateful for updates, we have the right to discuss them if we agree or disagree, and staff should always be grateful when topics such as these get discussed properly, shows members care and you can only compliment them for it.