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Ban Request: Constantine - Printable Version

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RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Constantine - 02-01-2013

except that i did stay for around 4-5 minutes near garage door and it was confirmed by your friend,and i heard the contraband recharging,imaprice did shoot me then he went in thats the fight that patt was talking about when he said i was hiding,the reasons were valid,contraband heard,your friend shoot me then go inside

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Shanze - 02-02-2013

You showed up, picklocked the door with your SS friend (or whatever), we stood there waiting for you, seeing as we could hear you and the others driving and running around outside, when you got the door open thats when ImaPrice actually got there. (If you look at the clips you can only see 2x max contra, nothing more. Clear sign of him not being there for long) We shouted to you: "Why are you here? You have no reason to suspect us for anything, you are breaking Fear RP". After no response and you calling more of them over you tazed and cuffed us both (Patt was inside the building at the moment). You unwilling to reply, we ran for it. (Back to the; Yes I know it was wrong of both of us, doesn't make it right that you randomly accused us for contrafarming, nor make it right that we ran for it). I don't know who shot you I just know it wasn't any of "my men". Sure you "stayed around" for 4-5 minutes, but why did you do that in the first place? I don't see how that have any relevance to you randomly accusing us for contrafarming and getting a warrant with no legit reason. You don't go around to every apartment or base and stand outside listening for 5 minutes to their front door for contra now do you?

On an unrelated (but not really) note: You about an hour later raided us again, telling us you could see the contra through the back door at farm. Which at all times where closed, AND locked. We also had walls protecting against peepers trough doors on both sides at the time. Calling SS and 2 other officers you again raided us for no apparent reason other than you knowing that we would base from earlier. Again breaking Fear RP and NLR.

But this is pointless to argue. You have your story, we have ours (Backed up with video evidence and multiple sources). And both of us (You and me) are currently going way off topic.. If admin or you request a video (Filmed with max sound) from right outside the gate of where we based at the moment of the incident I would gladly upload and share it in this discussion. Because you can't really hear it at all with the background noice of the map it self. This is why I find it highly unlikely that you randomly happened to come across the sound of contraband recharging and wen't to investigate.

Guess we'll just have to wait for a admin to actually respond. The evidence is there, nothing more to do now than wait.

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Constantine - 02-02-2013

Wow the amount of bullshit you just posted is insane,do you realise that admins can check that i never even got out a lockpick?You know that if you lie you can get banned for that ?also there werent max 2 contra,most of the contra was destroyed because the SS were shooting like crazy trough the wall ,also do you know what Fear RP is ? i dont think you know what it means ....i think that if you had brains or read what i said before,you'd realise that i was standing there to listen to the contraband recharging since i heard it before i wanted confirmation ,also what farm are you talking about ? there is no farm at v2d,also do you know what NLR?you seem to confuse things and twisted your story.
Also your videos shows nothing.And yes you can hear contraband from that place,if you want we can get the admins to replicate the same situation and try to hear for contraband at the position that i am in,i have no problem with that .
No evidence is shown,if you have real evidence post it,if not you lost.

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Shanze - 02-02-2013

If you want to continue this discussion please leave any attempts at harassment and/or personal attacks out of this thread. If you want to go personal please /pm me or add me on Steam. If admin deems it worthy I will upload the recreation, because I can't bothered doing it at the moment.

By Farm I mean the largest building at industrial, Being a rather new player I don't know every local by official name. Thanks for posting so I could clarify.

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Constantine - 02-02-2013

The admins are the ones who do the recreation,not you since you can fake it.

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Shanze - 02-02-2013

Why would I take time out of my real life to fake a recreation video? It would take hours to fake a video with decency. It would also be a great risk to do so, because editing a video clip with very specific background noise would be hard to fake properly. And don't mention the consequences I would face if I was caught? If the admins would like to take the time necessary to recreate it them selves it wouldn't bother me. I'm just offering a less time requiring method to get to the same point.

It is not a decision that should be made by us, its up to the admins to decide. I'm making an offer, that is it.

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Constantine - 02-02-2013

removing a certain sound from a video takes around 5 minutes using video editors,also the admins are the ones to make the recreation since they are neutral

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Constantine - 02-02-2013

Patt admitting that i was shot by imaprice (Camera points at the entrance of the garage ) he admitted seeing me stand there for around 5 minutes and being shot then i fired back and wounded him he went then inside and i strated hiding near the garage because i took damage,which confirms my claims about ImaPrice shooting me then running inside,and which confirms that i was listening for contraband which was confirmed in the video ( you can see contraband on props ),the warrant was given for " a man shooting at a police officer and then hiding in this building" i put the search warrant on the owner of the building" then i radio SS that there is contraband aswell and armed men defending it,we raid but we find out another door but we cant get the search warrant since the owner disconnected,then the SS started shooting trough walls / cracking keypads which can be clearly seen / heard that in both videos no MP5 shot was fired let alone go trough wall,the lady was killed by an UMP owned by a ss in a white suit,the HSS had an M4 silenced and was shooting trough the wall.

Also you both broke fear rp by going inside the building while i had you handcuffed at gunpoint,then you proceeded to resist the raid.

Now i have given the reasons for the raid which were valid ( admins can confirm this by seeing logs of radio and damage done to me by imaprice if possible ) contraband and imaprice shooting me then hiding in the building ( he knows the pass of the keypad therefore he is allied to the owner ) ,both videos shows no evidence against me,Patt confirmed my sayings that i was outside listening for contraband and that i was shot then i went hiding,you admitted breaking fear rp with your other friend.I think this is resolved

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - ImaPrice - 02-02-2013

Patt said that the one that shoot you was basing at the other side of the road and i had just entered the server (that can be confirmed by a look in the log) and standing there with no weapon. I pulled out the weapon after you random tazed me and cuffed me with no reason.

RE: Ban Request: Constantine - Shanze - 02-02-2013

1: What ImaPrice said.

2: I've already agreed that I broke Fear RP by resisting arrest. But tazing and arresting someone with out a valid reasoning is the same ordeal.

3: Its not resolved, admins will declared it resolved when they have time.

4: You still haven't given a valid reason for being there in the first place. Seeing as ImaPrice was not the one that shot you it was someone from across the road, and that you clearly are miss leading us from the topic at hand. You deny that you are in the wrong, but still you have not given a valid RP reason for why you where listening for contra outside the port for 5 minutes. Because no one in their right mind would ever go house to house standing there for 5 minutes to find contra, because it is a waste of time. If you don't have a valid reason for accusing us in the first place, you too sir, are breaking Fear RP.

5: Bring some evidence to the case, if you believe us to be mistaken, because at the moment you are circling around that I broke Fear RP, trying to use that as a valid reasoning behind your actions. I've declared multiple times that I'm sorry for having to result in breaking Fear RP.