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Safe Server Restarts - Printable Version

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RE: Safe Server Restarts - Int64 - 07-04-2012

(07-03-2012, 09:01 PM)Catkillerfive Wrote: I have now made this into superbig and silly unnecessary post
This will be impossible to code as crashes and hangups can happen at any time, unlike Restarts. If you want all your stuff back then 1 or 2 Admins have to constantly check the "Admin" Console everytime after a crash. Do you think being a Admin is a easy job, it isn't (believe me, I know).

If you want to earn good money/have a lot of money, stop doing the following things:
  • Contrafarming
  • Drugfarming
  • Stop buying Weapons
  • Stop buying Kevlar

Things that will give you money in your hand the second you do it:
  • RP/Doing that job you are designated to.
  • Selling goods (Don't care what goods).
  • Donating

When you join a Fearless server, you accept all the: Consequences, Terms and Rules that come with it. This might be:
  • Crashes
  • Theft/losses
  • Addiction
  • Rule breakers
  • Getting banned/blacklisted

Try to look from the coders view to (Temar and Soul): Do you think this is a easy job to code. I don't code, but I damn right know that this is not easy to code.

And you guys don't dare using the "We got a badass here" Meme. Because you my good sir is making me mad Skeptical If you are on FL just to do aggressive Roleplay then be my guest. But your Reputation will not be as good among the server population.

Bold Part 1: Your first statement is false. Just plain false. It's very possible to do it. Your second statement is also just as false as the first one, because it can all be automated.

Bold Part 2: I am a Sun Certified Java Programmer (I have taken the mock exam and passed with 82%, only because I can't write the official one offered by NIIT until I'm 18.) I can code in pretty much any object oriented language completely and even some HTML/CSS/PHP. I know full and well how 'hard' it is to code. Let me tell you this, once your know how to code, it's not hard. I know darn right that Soul and Temar are just as experienced as me, if not even more since they are probably older than me.

Bold Part 3: I fail to see why anyone would use that meme seeing that you have %0 badass-ness in you.

I reported your post for being completely irrelevant. Stop bitching.

If you don't like aggressive role play, make a suggestion for everything aggressive to be removed. Don't bitch on my thread.
Also, you my good sir, are pissing me off just as much for not getting the point of this thread.

RE: Safe Server Restarts - Fleet Admiral Zapington - 07-04-2012

Keep on-topic, this is about getting refunded, not how to make money.

First of all, you don't lose weapons from crashes, as they are not removed from your inventory unless you die.
Personally, I don't think you should get refunded everything. You shouldn't even walk around with guns all the freaking time, this is CityRP not Guerilla Warfare RP >_>

And now you guys even want AMMO REFUND?

RE: Safe Server Restarts - Shock Wave - 07-04-2012

I SUPPORT this alot

RE: Safe Server Restarts - Catkillerfive - 07-04-2012

(07-04-2012, 11:31 AM)Int64 Wrote: Also, you my good sir, are pissing me off just as much for not getting the point of this thread.

I get the point, you want "Safer crashes". Making it so that you get refunded everything you have spawned it at all times. But that is a risk you have choose to take, as my statement: When you join a Fearless server, you accept all the: Consequences, Terms and Rules that come with it.
You either have to deal with it or leave.

And when it come to the Requests you make:

  1. Add weapons the player is 'using' back into the inventory.
    Something like this is already on the server if I recall corectly.

  2. Refund players who have contraband. For example, $1000 refunded for every money printer he has spawned.
    This is hard/impossible to code if you want it automatic and more or less bug free. Although I can see how it will work:

    <Player 1> spawn in <contra>
    <Player 2> spawn in <contra>
    <Player 3> spawn in <contra>
    *Time goes by, Player 2 leave (Contra removed), <player 4> destroy Player 3 <Contra>, crash*
    *Server restarts*
    Initiating refund *Searching for alive conta at crash, "<player 1 spawned in <Contra>"
    *Searching if the players contra got destroyed, player refunded*

    Now the problem is: how and when to give the money back. Me (like many others) normaly play on another server/stop playing Gmod when a crash come due to "when is the server going to be back again" thingy. we don't know, and the latest package's normally don't save and get lost FOREVER.

  3. Add Kevlar back into the inventory if being used.
    I think we need to add the ability to take it off before we code something like this Nervous But that basic idea is the same as the first point (Weapon reset/refund).

  4. Add seeds/pots back into the inventory.
    Same as the Contra thingy I made.

  5. Refund $y amount of money for every bullet he has, y being equivalent to how much one bullet of it's specific type costs.
    We will have to change the system so it will be "200 bullets" instead of the current "Box of ammo" (1 bullet have a x amount of value, will be as easy to code as the Weapon refund thingy).

That is basically my opinion. I'm also sorry that I raged on the last post, I simply get angry when people are being very specific while directing it to me Sad

RE: Safe Server Restarts - Trevor Jackson - 07-06-2012

(07-02-2012, 04:04 PM)Dark Shadowfall Wrote: +Support

I have never used contra, nor do I like the users of it, but they shouldn't lose IC things due to an OOC event.

RE: Safe Server Restarts - Shougun Master - 07-08-2012

+Support Tired of losing Kevlar and contra from this.

RE: Safe Server Restarts - GRiiM - 07-08-2012

+Support to 1 and 3.
Doesn't it already give back weapons though?

RE: Safe Server Restarts - Theblackshadowofgod - 09-28-2014

I believe the things mentioned are already implemented, with expection of some. (Not that they forgot, just decided not to).
