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Estleback Corporation - Printable Version

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RE: [Unofficial] Estleback Corporation - Joe Joe - 02-12-2017

Out of Character Information

Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile: [FL:RP] Joe Joe Binks

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:110109118

Real Age: 16

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 718

How many RP points do you have?: 7

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 4 Bans, 0 Blacklists

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 84.3 

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 9 (Check on a regular basis - Once an Hour maybe more)

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: 

Kaos was an aggressive RP based clan which gave new players an opportunity to be in a clan for once.

Dupes Co:
Dupes Co was a clan where building was the main purpose and through Dupes Co was how I started to get more people buying my builds and therefore improved building skills

Arcon was an aggressive clan where we did defensive jobs on occasion

Describe your personality: I'm a friendly a kind companion who likes to help out and enjoys company of others

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:
I think I can bring a lot compared to other Estleback I have a serious manner for serious situations but also can be quite laid back. I have a wide range of skills as well whether that be logical or communication skills. I also have some great skills in game with my strongest being building. 

In-Character Information

Full Name: Joseph Vantiago Deacon

Age: 26

Nationality: British

Describe your personality: I am a very friendly person I work well with others and am quite good at negotiation skills which can help out in serious situations. I am very determined and have a strong personality. I'm quite laid back and always will to give everything a shot.

Tell us about your history: My family migrated from Britain to EvoCity when I was a child after the death of my beloved Grandfather I inherited a building company named 'Vantiago Villa's' and after the success of the company I upgraded it with the funds from the builds to create 'Vantiago Incorporated'

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I am applying to join Estleback after hearing how highly esteemed this corporation is. I have heard it is a challenge to enter this organisation but is a very rewarding one. I am very fond of what Estlebacks priorities are and wish to take on a challenge in my life

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?: Estleback stood out to me compared to other corporations as it is very professional its not some basic work that is slapped together. It has a meaning, a goal, a purpose. I believe that something is only worth taking up if there is a purpose a reason and that what Estleback offers. Its something new, something unique its something great!

Which specialisation area caught your interest the most and why?: Engineering as the this job suits my strongest skill and I personally believe my builds are too a high standard. I enjoy building and it is something that I am good at it allows me to challenge my inner creativity (Not Sure if this is meant to be updated after the combination of the division systems.)

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?:
I have experience yes I worked for Arcon (Which I forgot to put in my last application) whom were aggressive but did some defensice jobs on occasion I have also been a part of quite a few RPs guarding people whether it being the Bank of America or a small gun store. ETC.

Do you have access to proper suits?:
I have access to prop suits of course.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
[FL:RP] ADuckOnQuack: http://steamcommunity.com/id/alphamalee
[FL:RP] Chopchop1614: http://steamcommunity.com/id/chopchopmc

I thank you for reading my application and hope you consider my joining into Estleback's Ranks,

Yours Sincerely,
Joseph Vantiago Deacon
[Image: 006f70134327f2c74d5c27c667354e12.png]

RE: [Unofficial] Estleback Corporation - Moxxa - 02-12-2017

Out of Character Information

Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049583757/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44659014

Real Age: 14

How many hours do you have on the servers?: Just over 300 hours

How many RP points do you have?: 2, but trying hard to get more

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 14 blacklists in the pass, and 2 bans in the past 4 months i believe.

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 66.4, but that was because of school, in free time i will probably have upwards of 200 hours.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 7

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: Venatus Network, although not an active clan.

Describe your personality: Funny, kind to those who are kind back, aggressive when aggrivated, knowledgeable, but sometimes a bit slow with things, but humorous.

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I believe I specialise well in roleplay, passive rp and also government association roleplay. I can be good in aggressive roleplay, although I'm more specialised in the things previously mentioned.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Jack 'Green Moxxa' Betwin (sometimes subject to change.

Age: 26

Nationality: British, from Irish descent.

Describe your personality: Kind, always there to help others, humorous and clumsy sometimes, but determined.

Tell us about your history: Born in the UK, always been interested in military action, and joined the military at the age of 19, to leave at the age of 24 due to disturbing circumstances after being held hostage. He went back to the UK, and ran a restaurant, and then migrated over to EvoCity, running the restaurant overseas.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]: 

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: From what I know, and from what I've seen, their operations and ways of operation are interesting, and I believe I can play a role in it, whether it be major or minor.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?: It always seemed the most reliable, most successful and also the only corporation that does not make exceptions and always stick to their terms.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: MnR, as i believe I would be great at getting more members, and building the clans reputation.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: No.

Do you have access to proper suits?: Yes, I am a donator, and always renew my donator when it runs out.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles): No

Do you accept the terms and conditions?: Yes, totally.

Estleback Corporation declared official - Rylund - 02-14-2017

Estleback Corporation has been declared official once again, Congratulations!

Please contact me for further information about the private sub-forum.

RE: Estleback Corporation - Timetiger6 - 02-14-2017

Out of Character Information

Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sexysexydragqueen

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47879748

Real Age: 16

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 461

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 4 Bans, 1 Blacklist

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT +0, I live in the UK

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 36 hours

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 6 (though I kinda never post anything, i'm pretty shy ;P)

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: I have formerly been in Blackwatch, and recently have been in Venatus Network and Thomson Family.

Describe your personality: I see myself as a apporachable, friendly, larger than life character, but I can also be serious and straight-forward if people ask me to be direct with them.

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I think my wit, fierceness and my attitude make me stand out of the crowd. Oh, I also have a very VERY feminine voice which you have probably heard once within Fearless. It's very unique and makes me differ from all of the other candidates.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Vivacious "X-Tina" Betwin

Age: 26

Nationality: English

Describe your personality: Vivacious is a bit of a party-girl, she's very flirty, charismatic and fun to be around. She had lots of different boyfriends in highschool, but when she was confronted with a situation or had to face some gossip, she always kept a level head and remained calm whilst addressing the matter. However 10 years on, she still loves a good natter

Tell us about your history: Being an exchange student from London, Vivacious has that Posh tang to her voice only achievable by being breeded in the finest city on Earth. When she moved to Evocity, she was popular to the biggest cliques at her highschool due to her alien and unique accent. Due to her positive personality and good looks, she earned the nickname "Vivacious". Nobody knows her real name in present day, you would need to ask one of her old classmates.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I've not been in a clan forever, I'm craving for some good roleplay! It's been literally years since i've been involved in any ClansRP, but I always liked interacting with a citizen as somebody with importance, like an Agent or as such. I also really like tackling a situation with my co-workers, some of my best and memorable roleplay moments on Fearless was in Blackwatch.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?: I think it's heritage has made it stand out to me. I like looking over weekly reports and old articles featuring Blackwatch and Estleback and just seeing how interesting and in depth the lore of the clan is.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: I think I would excel in the Media & Recruitment field. Because I am very much a people person, I think I would be most suited with dealing with the public and helping improve the Estleback Corporations image. Because I am a vain person, I understand the importantance of image and presentation, and as such, I understand this is no easy feat.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: I have not, however I understand how important public image is, and how important it is to be able to spot talent. I am sure with proper training I am able to carry out my roles needed for this job.

Do you have access to proper suits?: Yes, but I only have dresses right now. If required, I can change character and buy a suit if needed.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072496569 (he's like a RP friend that I go back with 3-4 years on this server, back when we still has v2p <3)

RE: Estleback Corporation - Link - 02-16-2017


Some of you may be aware of the rumour that certain 'accusations', voiced by the governance of the Estleback Corporation, have been made against the company 'Bentley Productions'. These claims are indeed false, as they are not accusations but instead the truth.

Prior to the events of 'The Great Debate', which took place on the 11th Feburary 2017, relations between our two organisations were strong, as both of our skill sets and objectives seemed to fit together in perfect harmony. Our objective at Estleback is to keep the citizens safe and to stand up against injustices, and the apparent objective of Bentley productions is to provide entertainment to the same population. 

During this event, now our second partnership together, a member of Bentley productions, and host of the event, went on stage with a live shotgun and murdered a comedian 'for comedy effect'; this is the sort of injustice we strive to eradicate, and our presence as guardians was both supporting and protecting this chronic and sustained disregard of ethics. We did not have any prior indication that a planned stunt like this was going to occur, and all the paperwork and public information indicated this would be nothing more than a presidential debate, which in turn would decide the future of the city. They claim that the comedian in question is still alive, however the footage captured during the event clearly shows a different person being shot than who was sat in the hospital bed in the photo they gave us. On top of this, even if he is still alive, they have clearly given him great physical and psychological damage, and have made him hospital bound. This was unnecessary and will not doubt leave him with life-long medical problems.

Spoiler: Comedian.png

The governance of Estleback spontaneously voted to leave the venue, so we prepared a convoy and headed back to our boat. After a quick staff meeting, our Director, Anthony Valaris, contacted the leading staff of Bentley Productions, and organised a meeting with them at the outer BP. This was done to hyperbolise the severity of their actions, and to show them we were serious about our concerns.

After a brief chat, it was clear they did not share the same opinions as us, and tried to play it off as a joke. As a result, we announced to them that we will not be providing security for their next event. As I was walking away, my body-cam recorded Mr Bentley's assistant saying 'don't worry Mr Bentley, we will make an article to ruin their reputation'. It is here where their stance as an objective media company, interested only in entertainment to the masses, morphs into something more sinister and manipulative. Their villainous idea to frame us for a rational response to their wrongdoing escalates when they get in contact with other groups situated in Evocity.

Folder Bentley Productions 340mb

Spoiler: Folder Bentley Productions

Spoiler: ChatTranscript.mp3
Valaris: Do you know who we are? Do you know what we stand for?
Krissy Blake: You are... the members of the Estleback Corporation.
Valaris: Correct. We're here to put all citizens at safety. What you did back there was NOT ok.
Valaris: You killed a comedian. In display of everyone for entertainment. This is something we do not condone.
Mr Bentley: Bentley Productions was only affiliated with the event, and did not host it.
Krissy Blake: Are you talking about professor GoldChainZ and the wheelchair shooting? Yes, that had nothing to do with us. The Great Debate is a matter of government.
Steve Burwin: But you were the one who pulled the trigger.
Valaris: And as such you are associated to Bentley.
Krissy Blake: Yes, we lent some of our stars to the Great Debate.
Valaris: Prescisely.
Krissy Blake: They paid us as well. But I assure you, we had no idea that was going to happen.
Valaris: You are associated to the event. You pulled the trigger. Thus I rightfully drag your production company into this. That you killed of a comedian on stage?
ooc. Divey: It was Elenor Wright who shot, however Elenor does work with Bentley.
Valaris: It is not a matter of apology. It is a matter of action. I don't want to see that employee of yours anywhere in public eye infront of citizens.
Krissy Blake: It was for the sake of entertainment! I am sure GoldChainZ is fine!
Steve Burwin: GoldChains is dead.
Valaris: To kill a fucking comedian off?!
Krissy Blake: To be fair, he wasn't very talented. We have a much higher level of skill at Bentley Productions.
Mr Bentley: Natural selection.

Krissy Blake: Not that I condone it!
Valaris: So you killed off a comedian for entertainment purposes? And you stand here even as much as defending her actions.
Krissy Blake: Of course not!
Valaris: And you have the fucking GUT not to take this as serious as it is?
Krissy Blake: I am no murderer but the election is not our making!
Valaris: No, but the god damn killing was. Your god damn reaction to it is.
Krissy Blake: We don't actually know, it could have been staged. I can just phone up GoldChainZ's agent and ask them...
Burwin: All I know is the show has transitioned into a morgue.
Mr Bentley: In all fairness, he was a racist and sexist. By killing him off, I think we did the world a big favour.
Burwin: Trump is a racist and sexist, and he doesn't deserve to die.
Valaris: Your employee just had a entertainer killed off in front of the citizens. What would that say? Not from a host who is not an expert on the subject.
Mr Bentley: You too were working for the event, so I bid equally say to you, do you condone the killing of a comedian? I mean, why weren't you there to save him? Were you not briefed about the situation to start off with?
Krissy Blake: George... we can't afford to be rude to these men. They have too much power.
Valaris: Why do you think you're here? We've been good to you.
Mr Bentley: And we appreciate the work you have done for us in the past.
Krissy Blake: We don't want to go back to GollyHood.
Valaris: And we have been offering our services for free and out of respect we take you here.
Mr Bentley: Krissy, shut it.
Valaris: We don't want to put your employee in bad light, but this is out of line.
Krissy Blake: We would, of course like to continue having good relations with Estleback.
Valaris: Well, this is severely injuring it. I too want a healthy relationship.
Mr Bentley: Look, if it makes you feel any better, Bentley productions will fund his funeral, if that's what you want.
Krissy Blake: Sir, we don't condone murder at Bentley... It's all about show business to us. We only lent some of our starts to the great debate.
Valaris: I don't want people of this city to see horrid things like this to happen.
Krissy Blake: We didn't kill anyone, why do you pin on to us?
Mr Bentley: Are you going to just censor everything that happens in the real world? This wasn't some TV show that was faked, this is real life, how are we supposed to censorship that?
Krissy Blake: We were there, but you were there also!
Valaris: Nor do I want myself of the corporation be affiliated to a company that has employees that kills for entertainment. Are you accusing us?
Mr Bentley: You're accusing us, that's why we're here, aren't we?
Krissy Blake: Mr Valaris, you are misunderstanding!
Valaris: Because it was your employee, and your entertainer, I am going to put an end to this discussion. Obviously it is pointless as you are waving this off as a joke.
Mr Bentley: We're not laughing.
Valaris: It is what I am getting out of your reaction. I have called a cab for you.
Krissy Blake: I can't believe I ruined my shoes to be accused of such lies!
Mr Bentley: Bentley Productions was not informed about this...
Krissy Blake: It's alright Mr Bentley, we will make an article  that will ruin their reputation!

Spoiler: BentleyPlans.wmv

Spoiler: BentleyLetter.png
Dear, Mr. Camorro

We would like to inform you that the article on the Camorro family is well underway and we will forward you it before the release to get your seal of approval. Recently Bentley Productions decided to lend its help to the Presidential election, while the great debate was occuring. There we had an employee shoot at a comedian for comedy effect, this however did not go down well with the Estleback Corporation. What was once a strong bond has now shattered and we are left without security and this is a great concern to our well-being.

Under recent investigation by our Writers we have discovered that the the Deputy Director of this organisation is a man under the name of Steve Burwin, otherwise known as Steve Camorro. I have been told that this man used to work for your family and that he left shortly after the re-opening of Estleback. We believe Burwin and his fellow companions to be a bunch of traitors and nothing more than a cancer to EvoCity.

We have noticed your handiwork in taking out this so called 'Illuzion' and would greatly appreciate your help in securing our good name from these horrible, horrible people. Within the coming weeks we are going to stick to writing an article on Camorro and Estleback, however the later article is going to be filled with slander. We may not have the firepower but we certainly have other means, which brings me to my point. We would appreciate to have your protection under any circumstance that may occur. We have appreciated your loyalty to us thus far and we hope that this will never change.

Non abbiamo nulla ma il rispetto per te e il tuo popolo (We have nothing but respect for you and your people)

Best regards,
Mr. Bentley
Krissy Blake, XOXOXOXO
Co-Owners of Bentley Productions

This e-mail (the last file in the folder), sent to the Don of the Camorro Family, tells us a lot about Bentley Productions and their ethics. Not only have they admitted that the murder was intentional and done purely for laughs, but have also pledged to trick, manipulate and influence public opinion to incorrectly notify oblivious citizens about the 'horrible, horrible' corporation, through the production of a biased article 'slander'ing our operations.

Furthermore, as seen in the e-mail, attempts have been made to create artificial friction between the Estleback Corporation and the Camorro Family, which could've potentially resulted in war. Mentioned in the text is the 'Illuzion Corporation' ; Mr. Bentley is attempting to anchor their bad reputation onto the Estleback Corporation, to evoke the same emotions from the Don Camorro. This is again another form of psychological manipulation, and is strengthened when the request 'to have your protection under any circumstance' arises. All of this evidence points to a set up to get our two organisations to go to war, which is not only scummy, but also extremely low as a response to such a comparatively mild decision to no longer provide security services, which were otherwise free and not bound by contract.

Additionally, it also tells us that their writers lack proper investigative skills, as I, Steve Burwin, the 'cancer to Evocity', have never been, and probably never will be, affiliated internally with the Camorro Family.

This conflict was added to on the 16th February 2017. After routine Estleback Operations, one of our operatives failed to report in, despite the fact she had been working with us that same evening and her presence in Evocity was confirmed. This now former operative, known as Sparx, goes by the name 'Madeleine Lajoie' and holds the title of Miss Evocity 2017, which was given to her by Bentley Productions. After carrying out a surveillance operation to try and find this AWOL agent, she was spotted in Mr Bentley's office on top of the Bank. We sent an operative in to investigate and found that Mr Bentley and Lajoie were discussing the slandering article that is to be published on Estleback, specifically, some rather crude possible headlines for said text; I haven't seen them myself, but I am told they are excellent.

Furthermore, it is evident she still had internal loyalty conflicts, as she even admits to me that she tried to help Estleback despite working for Bentley. It is here we can also see that Bentley Productions has been playing both sides for fools; despite asking Camorro for help, they continue to prepare and produce media to try and ruin them. I have since reached out to the Don Camorro and Mr Wong, and it turns out this 'article' is nothing but fake news.

[Image: Folders-Folder-icon.png]
Folder LajoieBetrayal 1.6mb

Spoiler: Folder LajoBetrayal

Spoiler: LajoieBetrayal.png

Spoiler: LajoieMeeting.png

Spoiler: LajoieBetrayalMessage1.png

Spoiler: LajoieBetrayalMessage2.png

This could've been settled in an adult manner, as we at the Estleback Corporation initially attempted , but your arrogance and thirst for dominance of the situation exacerbated within your emotions, thus leaving us with no choice but to tell the cold hard truth to the public, after your attempts to ruin us through industrial espionage surfaced in our knowledge domain.

I may have some breaking news for you Mr Bentley - you forgot the first rule of mass media: give the people what they want. No one wanted this.

'Be careful what you wish for'

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation

RE: Estleback Corporation - Divey - 02-16-2017

Attention, Estleback

I'm going to get to the point. You are full of utter hypocrisy. It seems that the governance over at Estleback corporation have something which is called 'Selective Memory'. Estleback Corporation have kindly remembered our previous work together and how we both enjoyed participating in these events, what they fail to remember however is that one of Estleback's members shot an unarmed woman, Peggy Miller. Peggy is a mother of one. Did Mr. Wong think of any of this when he pulled the trigger? I fail to see how this is any different and I personally see you as a bunch of hypocrites.

Video attached:
[Image: d8e1cf32696da52d7aed0fc9c337a61c.gif]

I rest my case.

Best regards,
Bentley Productions Co-Owner

RE: Estleback Corporation - Link - 02-16-2017


I am afraid you are trying to blame us for a crime we did not commit. At the time, Mr Wong was working for you as an actor. This means the Estleback Corporation is in no way shape or form affiliated or liable for his actions or opinions off duty. Because he was working for you at that moment in time, you take responsibility for his actions. All of our agents on the night were wearing dark suits and standing in their pre-allocated positions, and he was granted permission to switch duties to satisfy both of his allegiances, which proves he was not acting on behalf us at this moment. Also, we had an operative backstage making sure only the people who were meant to be on stage were; he wouldn't have let him on if he wasn't supposed to be there.

 If anything, this reinforces the idea that you have a disregard for ethics, as this was obviously planned; he was just playing a role given to him by you and your team, and for the sake of his job and devotion, he had to comply. Moreover, how was he to know it wasn't a prop and full of caps? - he fired only one shot which confirms he was unaware. On top of this, his bodily movements before firing connote he didn't expect recoil, which furthers my case. This whole problem is likely to be a mix up from an incompetent member of your staff team in the theatrics and display department, who can't tell a real from a fake... a lot like you and your news, I suppose. The death could also have been planned by you or your events organisers, as another way to kill someone off for 'comedy effect'.

There are also multiple reasons why we did not bring this up to you when it happened, clearing us of this apparent hypocrisy you talk about. Firstly, all of the senior members of the governance at the time (Myself and Anthony Valaris) were stationed at the front of the building, where the security risk was highest. We have trained our agents in obedience, and wouldn't expect them to go running to you to complain about this without authorisation, and the Estleback governance was not notified that a problem like this had arisen. If we had seen this happen first hand, rest assured the events that unfolded after Saturday's debate would've happened sooner.

Secondly, even watching the dreadful display on repeat, It still looks like it could've been staged.  Not only were you in a boxing ring, which has padded floors (so if the actor failed the stunt I am about to talk about, it would still look genuine and theatrical), but the positioning of the actors is a motif of a classic magic show. If the shotgun was full of caps as hopefully intended, the actor would fall through onto a mat that was hidden behind the Miss Evocity crown pedestal and lay there until the curtains went down, to look like she had perished. She would then leave through to the backstage area during the scene transition. The agent we had on duty watching the performance, and members of the public, may have thought that the whole ordeal was special effects and was an illusion. To prove this idea, the shotgun was being pointed in the air, and not directly at the person in question. How on earth were real bullets supposed to hit her? This again points to the death being staged. I would like a death certificate to prove that she was killed.

In the Great Debate, not only did I witness a murder first hand, but it also went without question; it was crystal clear, and there is no arguing what happened.

I find it odd that you have waited this long to bring this up, as I would've thought it would've been in your interest to report on people you believe were committing unethical actions; for the ratings, of course. On top of this, if you believed us to have committed these unethical actions, why did you continue to partner with us after this occurrence, and why did you not get rid of us for apparently failing to keep your act safe? Stop trying to brush the truth under the carpet and answer up.

Kind regards,

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation

RE: Estleback Corporation - Divey - 02-16-2017

(02-16-2017, 08:25 PM)Link66 Wrote:
he was granted permission to switch duties to satisfy both of his allegiances, which proves he was not acting on behalf us at this moment


So what? You pick and choose when to have people representing you? This is the worst excuse I have ever heard in my entire life. It seems you decide when it is right to take action and when it is not and I'm sad to see that you have clearly thrown the blame on us in order to paint Krissy and my company in a negative light. Bentley Productions were not there as a whole, we had lent one of our Presenters to lend their help for the event. It makes me laugh that you say Mr. Wong was representing Bentley, but it seems your research was also quickly knocked up.

Here attached is a video of the event, when your Operative Mr. Wong appeared at the event and shot the lovely lady:

At 3:00
We can clearly hear the Presenter say 'The ever watching eye from Estleback Corporation' and you have the guts to say that he was representing MY company?

Here we can see lie after lie and you still have the dignity to say that Bentley is providing false stories? Well your propaganda is the most childish 'she said he said' rubbish I have ever seen in all my years of work. It makes me laugh that you have basically admitted that you turn the other way when it comes to your members criminal deeds, but oh no, if they were to be seen in a specific Estleback branded item of clothing then they would tarnish your good name.

I see what you're trying to do, you're trying to get people to turn against us and sure, they can if they want, we have nothing to hide. But at least be honest.

Best regards,
Bentley Productions Co-Owner

P.S Please watch it in 720p to get the full experience of your Senior Field Operative shooting at an innocent woman.

RE: Estleback Corporation - Coffee - 02-17-2017

*The posters seem to all disappear in a single night*

RE: Estleback Corporation - Floodify - 02-19-2017

[Image: 2lly4C5.png]

A week of disastrous and uplifting events

This past week has been one that has put the Governance in an immense amount of work in order to battle the nefarious attack on Estleback by the now closed Bentley Production company. The story to this conflict has many pages, but to summarize it in total would be to describe it as a perplex conflict. We had to intervene to honor our ideals and upon this a far more defensive reaction was met by the Bentley's. Nevertheless, we appreciate all their previous work in the city that has taken the citizens off the dark streets they wander onto a happier one - even if it was for only an hour or two. Any persecution by the Estleback personnel on the Bentley employees for their crimes has now been withdrawn and thus we pay respect to the once honorable company by the name of Bentley.

As with any conflict, there are some that suffer from it on both sides. A big blow hit Estleback when our SFO Lee 'Jonas' Wong discovered that one of our employees, that had been with us from the start after the re-boot, betrayed Estleback Corporation and got involved in an article that would not only slander Estleback, but Camorro Family too. I am sorry to inform you that the badge of Madeleine 'Sparx' Lajoie has been destroyed, coupled with the termination of her employment contract. We rely on everyone in this corporation to show absolute loyalty towards us..you are after all brothers and sisters. I will protect us from any external as internal threats no matter the cost; respect and uphold this and you shall forever be granted my appreciation.

But to turn frowns upside down; we have finally been able to go through our applications and made some slight staff changes! We have decided to deny Vivacious "Tiger" Betwin and  Jack 'Moxxa' Betwin. We appreciate that you took your time to apply to us, and endured our rigorous application process. We are still trying to fit Matt 'Panda' Velazquez's interview into our busy schedule. However as busy this schedule is at the moment, we expect it to gradually clear up after the top governance has decided to employ Ivan Tempski as a personal assistant to the Deputy Director Steve 'Link' Burwin - A new specialization area has been created with the name of "Administration" and it follows with a Security Clearance 3, so we expect it all to relive the Deputy Director of many tasks and let him focus on the most important ones that he outshines anyone in.

Some other staff changes are that we have decided to promote Matthew 'Jazz' Harper to a Field Operative after showing absolute loyalty and knowledge of our procedures during the event of Madeleine 'Sparx' Lajoie rouge actions. Congratulation! We have also decided to an applicant that has made his presence truly noticeable with an addition of uncanny persistence. This is something we hunt for in an applicant as that will be of us on and off the field. Please welcome Joseph 'J.J Binks' Deacon!

Finally I just have to thank all employees loyalty with us. We realize that during this time you have been exposed to a lot of scrutiny and perhaps have been personally attacked due to the false accusations by an opposing party. But as always, we come out in the other end stronger than ever. These type of conflicts are good to show who really is an Estleback-er oppose to just someone that wants to be displayed in that prestigious category. It all may seem arrogantly put by me, but it is an appreciation towards the men and women who creates Estleback to what it is - you.

This has been all,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander