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Estleback Corporation - Printable Version

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RE: Estleback Corporation - Tandy - 10-22-2013

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Tandy ™

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:51494504

How many hours do you have on the servers?:

Real Age:

How many RP points do you have?:

How many bans do you have?:
After my 10th ban, which was 3 months long. I decided that i had to change, immediately. So i no longer minge around, like i used to, i obey the rules. And most important of all, start serious RP.
I hope you understand that i am no longer am the person i was before. Thanks.

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name:
Andrew Trinko
Code name:
Personal traits:
Good sense of humour, strong, good at handling guns.
Tell us about him and his history:
Andrew Trinko was born in 13th March,1989 in EvoCity. His mother passed away while giving birth to him, leaving Andrew with only his Dad, Jake Trinko. His father never really liked him so he crept away from him constantly to go to bars and drink. He soon became a alcoholic and drug addict. Andrew was the least popular at school, cruel kids constantly teased him about him having no mother and he later gained the nickname "Four Eyes" because of his glasses. He was bullied to the point of where he thought of suicide. But one day he became friends with a great person, Sophie Williams. Andrew was very grateful to Sophie, in fact, so grateful that they even got married.

But then, everything went downhill. Andrew's dad, Jake, died in a brutal car accident while driving drunk. And that made Andrew ashamed of his family and just wanted a better life. He too, had drinking problems just like his dad and later gained a bad habit of gambling. And because of that, his wife, Sophie, left him. At that point Andrew was feeling so upset that he went into a casino and went all in. And to his surprise. Everyone else did. But the even better thing is, he won $100 million dollars!

Then Andrew's life gradually got better. And Andrew built his own casino which soon made him one of the most successful businessman in EvoCity.

Now. Andrew lives his private life in a $40 million mansion on the outskirts of Evocity, all by himself.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?:
I think that everyone deserves security no matter who or what, they are.
And Estleback can deliver that top quality security.
What division are you applying for?:
Security Division
Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:
Yeah, i worked for MPA before.
Have you been in other clans, which one(s)?
MPA, and thats it.
Do you have any reference we can contact?:
Ilikecats, Mr.Davidson
How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:
I am very active, when the servers are down, i mostly stay on the forums and respond to threads.
How active are you on the servers 1-10?:
As soon as i get home from school, i do my homework which takes around 30-40 mins. And then at around 4:40PM [GMT+1] I start to play FL.

RE: Estleback Corporation - Killjoy - 10-22-2013

Ministry of Peace
Operations Dept.
MPS Athena

October 22nd, 2013
Office Complex #1

To whom ever this may concern,
Recently, Ministry of Peace operatives intercepted an espionage attempt carried out by one of your employees. An individual named Michael Stanson, identified himself as the President of Estleback Corporation claimed the employee was acting out rogue, without representing the interests of the organization with his actions.

We have yet to see any disciplinary actions taken towards operative who was claimed to be committing these hostilities on his own. On the contrary, your organization recently opened a new department and even went on to appoint the guilty individual as the head of this new branch. Furthermore, you’ve continued to take up a whole new hostile direction towards Ministry of Peace in general with your recent attempt of processing a law suit.

It has become obvious your promises of full cooperation and assurances of having best interests to resolving any conflicts have been nothing but blatant lies with clear intent to mislead and complicate our investigations.

I stand awaiting your honest explanations, should you be capable of speaking anything but lies.

Stanley Nicholson
Ministry of Peace

RE: Estleback Corporation - Floodify - 10-23-2013

(10-22-2013, 01:55 PM)Tandy Wrote: snip

[Image: searchat.png]

We at Estleback Corporation will contact you for an interview if you have been qualified for it.

Kind regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]

RE: Estleback Corporation - Wood - 10-24-2013

OOC Judgment Wrote:Outcome of conversation:

- The clan guidelines will be replaced for rules which more coverage of situations, which obiously are forbidden to break.
- Blackwatch did not agreed to have a clan war with MoP therefore this clan has not been officially defeated.
- The complaint about the powergaming of MoP has been rejected.
- The 150k and 175k fines must be paid back with 148k and 173k, the 2000 dollar fine will stay because their have not been IC'ly protested against it.
- MoP re-opened, this thread will be removed after 24 hours.
IC post:

After attending the high courts with both parties (MoP and Estleback along with BW and FUMUKU) and may we thank everyone who took part in the case regarding Estleback. A judgment has been made regarding the legal battle and new laws are in place to prevent this happening again. Here is the transcript from the high courts noted down throughout the case. Click here

RE: Estleback Corporation - D0ctor - 10-24-2013

In regards to woodchoppers comment, this is 100% true and this topic is now closed.

RE: Estleback Corporation - Ryder - 10-25-2013

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Ryder

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49415356

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 950 Hours still growing.

Real Age: 15

How many RP points do you have?: 12

How many bans do you have?: 14, last one is 7/8 months ago. I got a bad history but I am trying to forget it and move on.

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: John J. Weasel

Code name: Ryder

Age: 34

Nationality: Dutch

Personal traits: Can make fast tactical decisions, knows how to keep the situation calm, kind, caring and learns fast.

Tell us about him and his history: Hello my name is John, I came all the way from Netherland to Evocity let me explain how this happend.

It all started when I was 17 years old. My mother and father had died in a car accident. Me and my brother didn't want to go to my aunt to live there. We stole money and we fled to an airport, we flew to Russia.

Russia was a great time. We met many friends and kind of joined an underground organisation. It all went wrong we almost died and had we had to flee to another city because we were wanted.

We went to America and ended up here in Evocity. I am now searching for a better life. I've already worked as Special Service for the President but I want to do something else. Thats why I am here applicating for Estleback Corp.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: Well, I've began to build interest in this clan. I've been in it earlier with my brother Whoopie. But at that moment it wasn't as interesting as it is now. It just began and we weren't really supportive.

I lost my interest in the clan and in Fearless and left Fearless. Now I am back for already 1 month and began to build interest.

What division are you applying for?: ESD, I can also be engineer but I think you got good enough engineers.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes, I've over 945 hours experience with weapons. I've been playing with weapons since I started playing on the server.

I am also a donator so I've also played many times with the SRU job.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? Umbrella Corporation, OMEGA Corporation and some more but I don't remember their names.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Not really, most people I knew left Fearless. I am not really that kind of guys that asks people if they think I RP good. I think I can RP and thats it.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 8,5

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 9

RE: Estleback Corporation - Apslis - 10-25-2013

Out of Character Information

Steam Name:

Steam ID:

How many hours do you have on the servers?:

Real Age:

How many RP points do you have?:

How many bans do you have?:

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name:
Doriano Cavalcante.

Code name:



Personal traits:
Strong|Smart|Knows how to handle a gun|Kind|Welcoming|Tactical

Tell us about him and his history:
Doriano Cavalcante is a 34 year old man from Italy. He comes from one of the richest parts of Italy, mainly Costa Smeralda. His father, Adriano Cavalcante was a successful Head Doctor and wanted his son to become a doctor as well. His mother, Adeline Cipriano, later named Adeline Cipriano Cavalcante after marrying Adriano Cavalcante, was a psychologist and also wanted Doriano to become a doctor. In his teen years Doriano strived to make his parents proud and began reading up on medical history. But later, he discovered this was not what he wanted to do with his life, and that he rather wanted to contribute to his country in the Italian Army "Esercito Italiano". After telling his parents about his plans and what he wanted to do with his life, they were very disappointed and kicked him out of the house. He got a job as a Security Guard at a Night Club earning decent money before finally joining The Italian Army when he turned 22, in 1991.
After 7 years of service and being part of multiple operations he decided to retire from the Italian Army. He and his friend James Light, which met during the operation ISAF in Afghanistan, decided to travel the World together. However these plans never came to be for James Light later that year died in a Car Accident. This had a huge impact on Doriano’s life for he was the only "real" friend he had ever had. This made Doriano decide to move abroad. After weeks and months of search he found EvoCity.
Before moving he contacted his parents and told them what he planned to do. To his surprise they were very supportive and decided to help him finance his trip and wished him the best of luck. When Doriano arrived at EIA [EvoCity International Airport] he had no idea where to go. He decided to visit the EvoCity bank to set up a loan so he could get started with his new life in EvoCity. After buying a small, cheap apartment in the slum district, he contacted a city guide so he could become more familiar with the city. After getting a minimum wage job as a waiter and taking English classes for four years he finally paid off his loan with the EvoCity bank and became fluent in English and finally became an EvoCity Citizen. He later quit his job as a waiter, and pursued his dream of becoming a security guard for a security based cooperation.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?:
It looks like a well organized clan which suits me well. I've also never been part of a serious clan and I want a serious and well structured clan to be my first.

What division are you applying for?:
Estleback Security Division.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:
[In-game character] I have multiple years of experience when it comes to handling guns. I am also a trained negotiator and served multiple years in the Italian Army. I am strong and tactical so I know how to handle all sorts of situations.
[In-game jobs(Security guard, Police officer ect.)] I've played as cop for God knows how many hours and Security guard likewise, so I know how to RP that section and my aim isn't terrible.
[Normal] I am a fairly passive RP player, but I like my guns fights. I am very familiar with the guns on the servers, with over 400 hours experience with the them.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)?
ESC – EvoCity Security Cooperation.

Do you have any reference we can contact?:
Not really.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:

How active are you on the servers 1-10?:
7-10, this is very dependent on school. School is my main priority.

RE: Estleback Corporation - Floodify - 10-28-2013

[Image: searchat.png]

We at Estleback Corporation will contact you for an interview if you have been qualified for it.

Kind regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]

RE: Estleback Corporation - Floodify - 10-29-2013


**An encrypted message appears on the public website of Estleback Corporation**


Two weeks ago one of our satellites snapped up this footage recorded by a CCTV X456, popular in private military organisations. Location is unknown, but we fear that it's the criminal organisation Fulcrum that have captured and tortured Micheal Stanson. Whether he is still alive is not confirmed and our operatives have yet to discovered something new.

We are handing over all of our files, including the footage our satellite found. More information will be given to the Deputy Director of Estleback Corporation.

Good luck,
Keith B. Alexander - Director of National Security Agency

Attached footage:

**End of message**


RE: Estleback Corporation - Link - 10-29-2013

[Image: tomembers.png]
To all members in Estleback Corporation, please check Estleback's steam group. Please check the group site daily.

Kind regards,
[Image: 40pu.png]