Report Haidarzmezm
Please stop arguing in the thread and keep civil.

Case is currently under review.
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player Haidarzmezm was found violating rules regarding failRP; being in close quarters to a shootout.
A Blacklist will be applied for 6 hours .

It is also apparent than Tzimanious was found violating rules regarding FearRP, as they ran away from gunpoint in a defenceless (in a vehicle) position and took out a gun.
Suspension will be applied for 1 day.

Please note that FearRP does not have definite guidelines as to when it does and does not apply.
If you are at a disadvantage and a player has their gun pointed at you, regardless of previous shots, you are under gunpoint and therefore FearRP applies.

[FL] Safira
Server Administrative Team

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