Ban Request on GuetaZz
Name of player: GuetaZz

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43211794

Time in GMT: Around 21:50 GMT

Server: V_33x

Summary: Frozen props in the road. Again, I would expect this to be a blacklist rather than a ban.

Kind Regards,

Not really my place to speak but I am pretty sure this is allowed?

The props are not blocking access through the road, and the rule is referring to props that "block" people from going through. This is simply a median to prevent civilian casualties in the tunnel. No harm no foul.
5.You may not build in a public area unless an admin gave you permission.

"You may build a roadblock while being police with permission from the president. You may use frozen props too, but players must be able to break trough the barricade with a car."

Mostly, this is breaking the public build permissions. There was no staff member on at the time of construction. I am not sure if he had president permission.
Kind Regards,


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