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Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - Printable Version

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Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - WillyVodka - 07-03-2015

Hello there.

I want to bring up something rather frustrating for me and others I've played with.

I think the server could need some kind of definition of home semi-serious it is, and I will explain why:

I will list up a couple of scenarios.

1. Me and a friend was out driving in the city. We were driving a mustang, and talked via voice-chat. I commented a guys building, told my mate inside the car that I was selling weed, when a police-officer ran after my car, and forced me to stop, for confessing that I sold drugs.

I think that when you drive a car, more importantly a mustang with a big, roary engine, a person shouldn't be able to hear what people say inside the car. And even when the windows is closed? I feel that it's rather fail-RP to use that information this way, and actually arrest us.

Is this too serious?

2. I think that we should have higher requirements for being police on the server. I have numerous times been arrested for saying "I didn't do it, for fucks sake, are you stupid?" to a policeman, for "being disrespective".

I even called an admin once, who stated for the officer that he can't arrest me for being disrespectfull UNLESS there is a law under /laws that actually states that this is illegal. And this happens almost everytime I play, and I check the laws before I start being disrespective (Why would I comply for something I didn't do?)

And the next one will be an addon to this higher police-requirements.

3. Scenario: I drive into the city, fairly fast, and a cops sees me and starts chasing me. I get around a corner, and manage to ditch my car and run to a more public place to blend out.

This one is by far the most annoying one, and happends OFTEN. The officers see my name, like metagaming, and when they see me out on the street, they arrest me. I often ask why they suspect me, and they say "Because I saw it was you, I saw your name". That IS metagaming. And let's be honest, if I'm that bold man with green and black sweater, there are 10 more of those surrounding me, how could they "see" it was me? And EVEN without asking for my ID/taking fingerprints/checking my ID against a database or so on?

Officers on the server (not everyone) arrest you without ANY form of proof but your OOC-name which they recognize, and how is that RPing? RPing would be after a carchase, when they saw the same vehicle to stop me, ask for driverslicense, check the licenseplate and so on, but hell no, they point the gun and demand you out and arrest you, even when not knowing your name. That's metagaming to me.

And even yesterday, I was standing outside a store, when the storeowner came out with a gun and pointed at me. I did say "This was an ugly store", but when 7 officers surrounded us, an SRU said he saw me harrass him (I harrassed his store) from nexus and I was at the two-storied building in the intersection with gas-station and macdonalds. HOW can an SRU "see" that I harrass when my character was staring at a wall?

I don't know about you guys, but this is clearly not RPing, and I don't know what you put in semi-serious, but if I I can be arrested for "maybe" being seen doing something, I should atleast be given some kind of right to run away without fearRP, because it's just not fair. (And I know the world is not fair, but come on.) And I don't hestitate on calling admins, but there are hours where there are no admins.

Does anyone agree/disagree? How could we avoid situations like this?

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - Freezak - 07-03-2015

1. I this that's one of many reasons why the server is running a semi-rp gamemode. Minor thing to be honest.
2. Frankly speaking, i can't agree with that. Even though there are more inexperienced police officers with a low amount of hours than experienced ones, lots of them are doing a great job on their early stages - i think we can't judge the whole job by several inexperienced players.
3. Even though it's a semi-rp server, i think i'm right by saying that every single person has a unique face and possibly clothes - the server is in fact limiting it to conjectures, but as i said they are real, and even though few police officers may think they are deliberately breaking the rules by seeing your name, they are in fact not.

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - WillyVodka - 07-03-2015

As we speak, I just got arrested 15 minutes for asking "What the fuck is your problem" to an officer, which is allowed, as its not stated otherwise in the laws.

Gotta love that.

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - goigle! - 07-04-2015

I see nothing on this post that has to do with the definition of semi-serious, it seems more like OP should make BRs

The server definition of semi-serious is on the forums somewhere, I am going to paraphrase it:
"Our server is semi-serious. This does not mean the roleplay is not serious, it means we do not make you do everything".
Doing everything would include:
Getting out of the car to pump gas
Going to a mechanic to fix your car and paying actual rates based on the price of your car and the parts
Drive people to the station, file paperwork and manually put them in jail and have a court case when you arrest them
Go to a judge to get warrants an RP fill out the proper paper work\

If you have issues with people hearing your mic when you're talking about illegal things, use /w

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - SixPackSoCali - 07-04-2015

-Support; use your common sense maybe?

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - WillyVodka - 07-04-2015

I do, and my common sense tells me that 1. People shouldn't be able to hear you through your car unless your window is up, 2. Cops shouldn't arrest for something they literally cannot arrest you for (even admins told me they can't arrest you for being disrespectfull, unless it is a law) and 3. People shouldn't use the OOC-info to identify and just arrest you.

I COULD fill out banrequests on these things, ofcourse, but that would be alot of requests, because this happends often. As stated, I got arrested yesterday for asking "What the fuck's your problem?" to an officer, and that was 15 minutes in jail, and this cop had 195 hours, he should've known that he couldn't arrest someone based on a simple question.

I can understand that some of you might not see this thing as important as me, but when I actually play "seriously" and get arrested 15 minutes for something like that, it really grinds my gears.

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - Voluptious - 07-04-2015

Voice chat works like a bubble in gmod,because of this it is not practical to make a system that restricts voice chat by vehicle. We are working on a voice whisper system, which would help this somewhat.

If you get arrested by a cop and there is no law against it then voice your concern wit either the president, VP or their sergeant, take the RP you are given. 

Yes, if people are doing what you are describing they would be metagaming, however there are RP that a cop could do to find you, even in a crowd. Didn't read one of your comments

Have you tried speaking to the officer(s) in LOOC? If the cop doesn't know that he is metagaming you could teach him how to RP correctly, you don't NEED to be a teacher to do this Smile

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - WillyVodka - 07-04-2015


Yes, a whispersystem would be beautiful!

But about the non-laws-arrests, it doesn't do much when talking to the president. I mean yeah, I can go for an RP ofcourse, but if I get arrested 15 minutes for something that there are no laws against, then there's 15 minutes of looking into a wall in prison, and president or police will do anything about it. But I get your point. But there was one day when I was constantly arrested for 5 minutes for even walking on the wrong sidewalk, which there were no laws for, I was in jail for a total of 40 minutes in one hour, I just logged out, I couldn't stand those walls anymore.

And about the metagaming, yeah, I can see how they can identify me out of a crowd, but look at it this way:

I drive a car past an officer, he can see my licenseplates, and he starts running towards his car to chase me. I ditch my car, and run into the city. Then when he sees my name OOC'ly, he arrests me "because I know its you", and this happens almost daily.

I don't say requrements like 1000 hours for being a cop, but maybe put a ticketsystem that when the cop gets a ticket with description for doing something wrong, it will add up and after X-amount, he will be blacklisted/checked by an admin. I mean some of the cops don't even answer, they just arrest you. I talk as often as I can with the cops LOOC when there's something wrong, but it's not easy to learn people when they refuse to learn.

I know it might sound dumb, but it takes away alot of the pleasure of playing, and this server is not the only one, there is a reason that I stay with this server, and that's because of it's unique and complete system, and these things are minor things, but if this could be regulated correctly, the server would be as near as perfect, atleast for me.

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - Suarez - 07-04-2015

what are you actually suggesting here? it's a roleplay server, it can't get more simpler than that...

I mean the admins do an amazing job of administrating the servers, if that's what you're moaning about now. if you're willing to pay them x amount a year for doing their job then go for it. they're not currently paid and won't be. it's a voluntary job.

RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - Safira - 07-04-2015

Your suggestion isn't particularly a suggestion with a definite solution, but more an invitation for others to discuss.
With this in mind, I'm moving it to the 'Discussion' forum.