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[FL:M] Raptor - Printable Version

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[FL:M] Raptor - Small Bear - 12-28-2014

Name: Small Bear

Time/Date: 22:20 (GMT) / 27-12-2014

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50065871

Name of Administrator: [FL:M] Raptor

Evidence: There is little to no evidence with the exception of a precise time, and all of my accusations or complaints can easily be looked up in the logs.

This 'abuse' thread is more of a complaint towards the moderator in question and his ability to administrate. 

We had been tracking a Mafia group (I cannot recall their titles) using cameras, Jono and I had our names set to "Spy" at the time. 

Whilst gathering intelligence we admittedly didn't make much effort to disguise our intentions, however due to the layout and structure of their base and the general area, it would have made it difficult otherwise. 
After being held up in our vehicle by several men after pursuing a van exiting the compound, I managed to escape and rescue my partner, Jono. 

We both died, although not simultaneously, so Jono was able to call for backup back via private message before eventually dying himself. 5 minutes had passed before I arrived to assist him, I found nobody upon my return but was made aware my partner had died (I saw his body on the hill outside of Villas, he was wearing a Gas mask suit). 

Next, I saw a bald man with a gun entering the same van we followed earlier (I know my character wouldn't be aware of this, but I followed the van on the basis my partner was dead and this man was wielding weaponry which wasn't legal at the time). 

After 5 minutes of Jono being dead, I called him for backup having followed this van back to the same compound, with sufficient evidence we began a raid. Every man inside had a gun. 
We killed at least 2 enemies, who we later saw returning as the raid was stopped by [FL:M] Raptor. Who heard both sides of the story before allowing EVERYONE (including the 2 men we had killed) to return to the raid, without actually concluding if it was legitimate, or listening to me when I told him he was allowing men to return who had died (enabling NLR), so there was really no purpose for stopping the raid mid-way through.

He told us "continue raiding" before placing everyone in the positions they "had been in" before he disrupted the raid. Both Jono and I (this can be checked in the logs, easily) said in OOC chat that we refused to continue the raid considering he allowed 2 men to return, and everyone was back to full hp (we had a couple more men on the brink of death). 
[FL:M] Raptor simply replied "Continue." and forced us to continue the raid, which we no longer wanted any part in. All of our enemies then rushed Jono and I as we returned to our vehicle to leave, proceeded to hostage us and eventually kill us. I even attempted to consult [FL:M] Raptor on the situation over Steam and '@'. 

Fearless is supposedly supportive of non-aggressive role play, yet when we decided the best idea was to call it quits, pack up and leave, we were forced to continue a raid which was heavily tampered with (and in the favour of our enemy)? 
I expressed my concern to [FL:M] Raptor, that the situation was not dealt with properly. I even said "you don't know any better" implying it wasn't his fault. I avoided flaming and was pleasant throughout, yet he responded by saying I was "crying" and he was "sorry I interrupted your little raid," huge amounts of flame on his part, and was unnecessarily patronising, questioning my (4) years and reputation in the Fearless community. 

Finally, this thread was more of a complaint about a situation that was handled very poorly by a member of staff. It was not intended to cause flame, but instead bring light to the situation and himself as a moderator. 

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Small Bear - 12-28-2014

I apologise for the spacing and random font sizes. I attempt to edit or preview the post and it just messes with the layout.

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Nyander - 12-28-2014

I understand that you disagree with my actions dealing with the situation however I'm a relativley new moderator. I would have much preferred you asking for a work and trying to help me to improve my moderation methods. I feel although you have tried to discredit my efforts to help solve the situation. I don't really have anything else to say other than I accept the criticism.

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Small Bear - 12-28-2014

(12-28-2014, 03:55 PM)Raptor Wrote: I understand that you disagree with my actions dealing with the situation however I'm a relativley new moderator. I would have much preferred you asking for a work and trying to help me to improve my moderation methods. I feel although you have tried to discredit my efforts to help solve the situation. I don't really have anything else to say other than I accept the criticism.

But I did attempt to help you improve your moderation methods? I told you via Steam "in the future confront me after the raid has concluded or attempt to message me privately rather than disrupting the raid." 
As for "discrediting" you, I said to you and I also mentioned in this thread
Quote:I even said "you don't know any better" implying it wasn't his fault.
And in the beginning of my response to how you handled the situation I said "I appreciate the assistance of the situation, but-" so I did not attempt to discredit your efforts...

As much as I respect that you didn't respond by flaming, or creating potential flame, I can't help but believe what you just said is a cry for help, as though you're the victim? I just disproved everything you said I did/didn't do? 

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Nyander - 12-28-2014

First of, I don't see why you are even writing this in an abuse thread, this is not abuse and I understand that you are only making a complaint but I don't see what is there to complain about.

I received a @ call about a "Random Raid" and I did my job as a moderator and responded to it, I saw allot of people shooting so I brought all of them and asked you all on why you are raiding, after I was done asking someone mentioned on how you guys broke NLR so I had to check on that as well.

You are making this complaint about how I took some unnecessary actions during the raid
If I didn't take the actions I took people will be making complaints about me/us staff members not do our job.

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Small Bear - 12-28-2014

(12-28-2014, 04:18 PM)Raptor Wrote: First of, I don't see why you are even writing this in an abuse thread, this is not abuse and I understand that you are only making a complaint but I don't see what is there to complain about.

I received a @ call about a "Random Raid" and I did my job as a moderator and responded to it, I saw allot of people shooting so I brought all of them and asked you all on why you are raiding, after I was done asking someone mentioned on how you guys broke NLR so I had to check on that as well.

You are making this complaint about how I took some unnecessary actions during the raid
If I didn't take the actions I took people will be making complaints about me/us staff members not do our job.

Why didn't you attempt to PM me asking the reason for the raid? I can't count how many times I have willingly had someone cover me whilst I briefly explain the situation to an administrator who has messaged me, or simply just left the battle scene for a while. 

You can speak to both sides without disrupting the raid in the way you did. 

It doesn't matter what the situation, most people will bitch about a "random raid," they could have murdered the President I was working for, challenged me to counter-attack them and still claim it was random. People are dumb. Everyone is going to bitch, but only some for a legitimate reason. If we had lost the raid then they wouldn't be bitching.

In-fact, and this is really important:

Nothing changed. The raid wasn't deemed legitimate, no conclusion was made. All that happened was they complained, you stopped the raid, they regained health and members that died, and the raid continued. They won because they rushed us unarmed and managed to hostage us, I didn't see complaints then? Bearing in mind their views on the raid shouldn't have changed, right? You didn't say it was now OK to attack, you simply said continue the raid whilst you figured out whether or not it was legitimate?

Before killing me in a little firing squad they even had a little speech prepared. You and I got punked.

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Nyander - 12-28-2014

I understand what you are trying to say, I do apologize for my actions.
I should have handled it differently.

RE: [FL:M] Raptor - Fultz - 12-28-2014


No abuse noted. However the moderator in question understands that he handled this situation incorrectly and will respond better in the future.